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Participate in Gurney's World
The Ivor Gurney Society & Journal — You can Join! .
Journal Back-Issues Available!
Permission to Use Gurney Materials — Who to Contact....

Gurney Window & Gravestone — You can Contribute!

Gurney Today — You can be There!

Discuss Gurney Online — You can Talk with Us!

Perspectives on Gurney — You can Comment too! 
Opinion, Commentary, Dialogue

The Gurney Bibliography — You can Contribute!
Free copies available! (Free with a purchase.)

Friends of Gurney — Those who have Helped!

A Call for Help — You can Help Too!

The Ivor Gurney Society exists to promote interest and enjoyment in the work of Ivor Gurney.  Among its aims are to make his music and poetry available to a wider audience by way of performances, readings, conferences, recordings and publications, and to enhance and promote informed scholarship in all aspects of his life and work and in his context, through the publication of a regular Newsletter and an annual Journal (est. 1995).
Membership in the U.K. (see U.S.A. below), which includes a free copy of the Journal and Newsletters, is £10 for Individual Membership, £4 for Student Membership, and £10 for Group or Library Membership, with reductions for retired members.  For rates in Europe, the U.S.A., Canada, and elsewhere, where there is an additional small charge for the extra postage and the costs of exchange, and for further details of the Society, please write to the Treasurer:

John Phillips
The Ivor Gurney Society
Fairfields, Clifford, Herefordshire HR3 5HD
Phone: 01497 831038
Email: jp-hay@beeb.net

Membership in the U.S.A., which includes a free copy of the Journal and Newsletters, is $20.  If you reside in the U.S.A, for details of the Society, please write to Pamela Blevins at pblevins@erols.com.

Permission to use or reprint various Ivor Gurney materials, including music, poetry, correspondence, photographs, etc. may be requested by contacting Anthony Boden (Email whitewings@tesco.net), Trustee of the Ivor Gurney Estate.

Back-Issues of the Journal
A limited number of Back-Issues of Ivor Gurney Society Journals are available. A full set of six - 1995 to 2000 included - plus a free copy of 'Towards a Bibliography' can be obtained for £22, inclusive of postage and packing. Please send a cheque, made out to 'The Ivor Gurney Society', to the Society Treasurer, John Phillips, The Ivor Gurney Society, Fairfields, Clifford, Herefordshire HR3 5HD, England, Phone: 01497 831038, Email: jp-hay@beeb.net. Also available - copies of David Goodland's audiotape of 70 Gurney poems: excellent value at £7 each."

U.S.A. Orders: For purchases by persons living in the U.S.A.: A full set of six Journals - 1995 to 2000 included - plus a free copy of 'Towards a Bibliography' can be obtained for $50, or a single back-issue for $10, with a free copy of the Bibliography (both prices include shipping & handling). To order and obtain a mailing address for your US$ check (made out to 'Pamela Blevins'), please write to Pamela Blevins at pblevins@erols.com.

On the Gurney Bibliography:  This bibliography (1996) marks a substantial advance in recording the work and reception of Ivor Gurney.  It builds on the 1990 bibliography by Joy King and is enriched by contributions from Gurney enthusiasts in Britain, Norway and the USA.  Its 539 entries are conveniently divided into sections on Gurney's Original Work, Performances and Recordings, the Critical Response and Celebrations and the Creative Response.  Its index cross-references 1148 items, enabling the user to track, for example, which songs have been most popular, which poems most discussed, who has reviewed what and where and who has performed which songs.  Despite its comprehensiveness, the editors still regard this as a step Towards a Bibliography, and invite those interested in developing it further to send amendments and additions to the Ivor Gurney Society Journal, care of ivor@gurney.net

Thornton, Robert Kelsey Rought and George Walter. Ivor Gurney: Towards a Bibliography. Hay-on-Wye: Ivor Gurney Society, 1996.

Free copies available! (Free with a purchase.)

A Call for Help -- You can Help Too!
As this first comprehensive Ivor Gurney Website is being constructed, your help is requested and valued.  Specifically, here is what is needed:

Information on Gurney Performances or Events [Details]
Inspirational Essays on Gurney
Perspectives, Opinions, or Commentary on Gurney [Examples]
Scanned Images of Gurney, Recording Covers, Maps
Gurney-inspired Art or Creativity
Sound files or Midi files of Gurney's Music
Links to other English composers
Favorite Poems, Songs, Recordings
New Citations for the Bibliography
Song scores in Non-Published Keys
Non-Commercial Recordings you have access to...
Contributors will be honored with a Citation of their name on the Friends of Gurney page.
Please send materials via email to David Kenneth Smith at:  ivor@gurney.net

Details needed for Information on Gurney Performances or Events:
How to advertise here?? Simply submit information about time (day, date, hour), place (concert hall/building, address, campus, city, state), participants (designate voice types, pianists, and instrumentalists), the title of the concert or subject of the event, sponsoring organization, the pieces by Gurney that are to be performed as well as the other composers included (the more information the better), whether admission is charged, and a source for further information, via email to David Kenneth Smith at:  ivor@gurney.net, or to this address:

     The Ivor Gurney Website
     c/o Dr. David Kenneth Smith
     Department of Music
     Geneva College
     3200 College Ave.
     Beaver Falls, PA 15010-3599

 To contact the Ivor Gurney webmaster,
write to David Kenneth Smith.
Ivor Gurney in 1915 -- Go to Top of Page
Bibliography | Biography | Books & Articles | Call for Help | Chronology | Contemporaries | Correspondence | Discuss | FAQ | Friends | Greeting Cards | Gurney Society | Home | Journal | Links | Music | Music Scores | New | Participate | Perspectives | Photo Album | Poetry | Poetry Books | Programs | Purpose | Questions | Recordings | Song Lyrics | Springs of Music | Thematic Catalogue | Today | Top | Towards a Bibliography | War Poetry | Who’s Who | Window & Gravestone | Works List

The Official Website of the Ivor Gurney Society