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Ivor Gurney GREETING CARDS Point at Image for Caption
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Gloucestershire Landmarks — An Overview
To Purchase
See Full-Size with Poems
Sunrise across the River Severn (photo: Archie Miles) View down the Painswick Valley (photo: Archie Miles) Stanway (photo: Archie Miles)
Crisp winter morning in Foxholes Wood (photo: Archie Miles)
Traditional hedge laying (photo: Archie Miles)
Early morning view along the Malvern Hills (photo: Archie Miles)


The Ivor Gurney Society announces the printing of greeting cards, 
dedicated to illustrating the beauty of the Gloucestershire countryside 
that Gurney loved so much. 

Each card has on its face beautiful full-colour photograph by Archie Miles, 
an appropriate Gurney poem on the inside-left, 
and a blank inside-right for individual messages; 
they measure 8"x6" and are supplied complete with envelopes.

To order your set
write to
Sylvia Parker
Audiosonic (Gloucester) Ltd.,  84, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2NZ
Tel: 01452 302280
Email:  music@audiosonic.co.uk   Website: www.audiosonic.co.uk

Society is charging £4.70 per set of six, or £8.80 per two sets, 
including postage and packing in the UK.
The cost for non-members of the Society is £5.00 per set plus p&p.

U.S.A. orders: Members, $11.50 (includes postage and packing)

Non-members, $12.50  (includes p&p)
For each additional set add $1 per set to cover mailing.
For details where to send your U.S. $, write Pamela Blevins, pblevins@erols.com.

More about the Ivor Gurney Society,
the Journal, and Society Membership

File last updated: 03/30/2025 16:49:41
Location URL: https://www.geneva.edu/~dksmith/gurney/cards
 To contact the Ivor Gurney webmaster,
write to David Kenneth Smith.
Ivor Gurney in 1915 -- Go to Top of Page
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The Official Website of the Ivor Gurney Society