Clara Schumann Composition Dates
A Technical Works Chronology (See Notes)
1830 | 1840 | 1850
| 1860 | 1870 | 1880
| 1890
Work Lists by Genre | Clara
Chronology | Clara Calendar | Bibliographies
Schwäne kommen gezogen (PS: 1830)
Variationen über ein Tyroler Lied (1830, PS: extant; NR: lost)
Variationen über ein Original-Thema (1830, PS: extant; NR: lost)
Quatre polonaises, Op. 1 (PS: 1828-?30; NR: 1830)
Etude (NR: early 1830s, unpub)
Scherzo für Orchester (NR: 1830-31, lost)
Phantasie-Variationen über ein Wieck Romanze (NR: 1831, lost)
Alte heimat (Kerner) (1831 lost)
Der Traum von Tiedge (1831 lost)
Der Wanderer (Kerner) (1831, DH: Authenticity not fully proven)
Der Wanderer in der Sägemühle (Kerner) (DH: 1832?, Authenticity
not fully proven)
Romance varié in C Major, Op. 3 (PS: 1831, NR: 1833)
Caprices en forme de valse, Op. 2 (DS: 1833; NR: 1831-32)
An Alexis (NR: for piano, 1832, lost; DS: for voice, 1833, extant)
Rondo in B Minor (1833, PS: extant; NR: lost)
Valses romantiques, Op. 4 (DS: 1833; NR: 1835)
Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. 7 (NR: 1833-35; PS: 1835 or 36)
Walzer (Lyser) (NR: 1834?)
Der Abendstern (DH: 1834?)
Variations de concert sur la cavatine du Pirate de Bellini, Op. 8 (PS:
1834; NR: 1837)
Quatre pièces caractéristiques, Op. 5 (PS: 1835 or 36; NR:
Impromptu le sabbat, Caprices a la boleros, Romance, Scene fantastique:
Ballet de revenants
Soirées musicales, Op. 6 (PS: 1835 or 36; NR: 1836)
Toccatina, Ballade, Nocturne, Polonaise, Mazurka, Mazurka
Souvenier de Vienne, Impromptu in G Major, Op. 9 (PS: 1837 or 38; NR: 1838)
Scherzo in D Minor, Op. 10 (NR: probably 1838; PS: by 1839)
Trois romances, Op. 11 (1839) E-Flat Minor, G Minor, A-Flat Major
Am Strande (1840) (Burns, translated by Gerhard)
Ihr Bildnis (Heine) (DH: 1840 1st version of Ich stand in dunklen...)
Volkslied (Heine) (1840)
Die gute Nacht, die ich dir sage (Rückert) (NR: June
8**, 1841)
Gedichte aus Rückert's Liebesfrühling Op. 12 (PS: 1840 !; NR:
June 8, 1841)
Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen (No. 2)
Liebst du um Schönheit (No. 4)
Warum willst du and're fragen (No. 11)
Sonatina (1841-42, unpub) Allegro, Scherzo, Adagio, Rondo
Sie liebten sich beide (Heine) (DH: 1st version; NR: June 8, 1842)
Sechs Lieder Op. 13 (PS: 1842-43)
Liebeszauber (Geibel) (NR: June 8, 1842)
Der Mond kommt still gegangen (Geibel) (NR: July, 1842)
Ich stand in dunklen Träumen (Heine) (DH: 1844 2nd version of
Ihr Bildnis; NR: 1843)
Ich hab' in deinem Auge (Rückert) (NR: June, 1843)
Die stille Lotosblume (Geibel) (NR: July, 1842)
Sie liebten sich beide (Heine) (DH: 1844 2nd, published version)
Lorelei (Heine) (NR: June 8, 1843)
Oh weh des Scheidens, das er tat (Rückert) (NR: June, 1843)
Impromtu (NR: about 1844)
Deuxième scherzo in C Minor, Op. 14 (NR: after 1840; PS: before
Quatre pièces fugitives, Op. 15 (NR: probably 1840-44; PS: by 1845)
Drei Praeludien und Fugen, Op. 16 (PS: by 1845) G Minor, B-Flat Major,
D Minor
Cadenzas for Beethoven: Piano Concerto in G Major, Op. 58 Mvts 1 and 3
(NR: 1846)
Mein Stern (Serre, translated by Wray) (NR: June, 1846)
Beim Abschied (Serre) (NR: June, 1846)
Piano Trio in G Minor, Op. 17 (PS: by 1846)
Piano Concertino in F Minor (1847; unpub)
Drei gemischte Chöre (1848) (Geibel)
Abendfeyer in Venedig, Vorwärts, Gondoliera
Variationen über ein Thema von Robert Schumann, in F-Sharp Minor,
Op. 20 (NR: June, 1853)
Drei Romanzen, Op. 21 (1853) A Minor, F Major, G Minor
Drei Romanzen for Violin and Piano, Op. 22 (1853)
Sechs Lieder aus "Jucunde" von Hermann Rollett Op. 23
Was weinst du, Blümlein (NR: June 9, 1853)
Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort (NR: June 10, 1853)
An einem lichten Morgen (NR: June 13, 1853)
Auf einem grünen Hügel (NR: June 16, 1853)
O Lust, o Lust (NR: June 19, 1853)
Das ist ein Tag, der klingen mag (NR: June 21, 1853)
Das Veilchen (Goethe) (NR: July 7, 1853)
Romanze in A Minor (NR: July, 1853, unpub)
Romanze für Clavier (NR: April 2, 1855?)
Cadenza for Beethoven: Piano Concerto in C Minor, Op. 37 Mvt 1 (NR: 1868)
Geburstagmarsch in E-Flat Major (1879, unpub)
Cadenzas for Mozart: Piano Concerto in D Minor, K466 Mvts 1 and 3 (NR:
by 1891)
Vorspiele (Improvisations) (NR: probably 1895, unpub)
Praeludium and Praeludien für Schueler (Improvisations) (NR: probably
1895, unpub)
1830 | 1840 | 1850
| 1860 | 1870 | 1880
| 1890
Work Lists by Genre | Clara
Chronology | Clara Calendar | Bibliographies
Notes: Dates of composition are drawn from:
New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. S.v. "Schumann, Clara,"
by Pamela Süsskind.
Reich, Nancy B. Clara Schumann: The Artist and the Woman. Ithaca:
Cornell University Press, 1985.
Schumann, Clara. Sämtliche Lieder für Singstime und Klavier:
Complete Songs for Voice and Piano. Ed. by Joachim Draheim and
Brigitte Höft. 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1990.
When a citation is unique to a single source, it is marked by PS (Groves
article), NR (Reich book), or DH (Draheim and Höft preface). The chronology
is based on the earliest cited date. There is no explanation
known for the absence of Op. 18 and 19. To go back
to top.
** Note the proliferation of June 8 citations for
various years; being Robert's birthday, Clara presented
many works to him on this date. Obviously, many of these were composed
prior to this date. In any case,
June tends to be a very fertile month for composing, as with 1853.
To go back to June.
1830 | 1840 | 1850
| 1860 | 1870 | 1880
| 1890
Work Lists by Genre | Clara
Chronology | Clara Calendar | Bibliographies
Contents last updated: September 11, 1996
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