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Clara Schumann Chronology

Clara Calendar | Biography | Chronological Worklist | Genre Worklist | Bibliographies |
Composer Page | Composer Almanac | Auf Deutsch (In German)

Below are significant dates in Clara Schumann's life.

Clara Calendar | Biography | Chronological Worklist | Genre Worklist | Bibliographies |
Composer Page | Composer Almanac | Auf Deutsch (In German)

This chronology was drawn from Groves and: Reich, Nancy B. Clara Schumann: The Artist and the Woman. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985. Some dates were unsure or sources differed. Possible dates are marked with a question mark. If you find any errors in spelling or dates, please go to FAQ to send a message to the webmaster David Kenneth Smith, and be sure to cite the authoritative source. Days of week generated by UNIX computer.

Clara Calendar | Biography | Chronological Worklist | Genre Worklist | Bibliographies |
Composer Page | Composer Almanac | Auf Deutsch (In German)

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