Work with CSE to solidify trip details including but not limited to travel arrangements, contact information, passports, budgeting, food, and Crossroads paperwork.
Assist with CSE efforts to advertise and recruit student participants.
Work with CSE in selecting a student leader and meeting regularly with him or her to prepare for the trip. The student leader should feel empowered to take a leadership role within the group.
Understand the relevant issues of the particular site and be able to discuss these with students prior to and during the trip.
Attend the trip.
Keep track of all expenses being certain to stay within budget limitations set while planning the trip. All receipts must be turned in with an expense report to CSE upon completion of the trip.
Understand the COVID policies, off-campus travel policies, crisis management procedure, and use them as guides in decision-making and helping to ensure student safety while on the trip.
Debrief with your group during the trip and when you return.
Debrief with the CSE upon return.
Other duties as required by Center for Student Engagement staff.