Parents and Guardians of Prospective Students

As you and your student go through the college search and decision process, we are glad that you have chosen to take a “look” at Geneva. The buttons below are intended to help you explore the website and schedule a visit to Geneva′s campus.
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What Other Geneva Parents are Saying:
- “As a student at Geneva, Kenny has continued to experience that support, encouragement and guidance; in academics, in extracurricular activities, in his faith walk, and in his relationships. We are thankful that Geneva is part of his journey!” -- Jim and Karen Van Duzer, Port Republic, MD
- “We loved everything about Geneva. Zach said, ‘That is where I want to go!′ So we went home and did a whole lot of praying and asked God to just open the doors and shut others if that is where he wanted Zach. He loves it! We love it!” – Miriam Miller, Brockport, NY
- “Geneva has been a tremendous blessing to our children and ourselves. Our kids have found wonderful professors that have invested in them and cared for them. They have also been given tools to shape their faith in order to impact the world for Christ. We couldn′t be more thrilled with the decision our family made in our kids attending Geneva.” – John and Michelle Westurn, Beaver, PA
- “Our greatest challenge is travel distance and separation. We can′t attend all events, as when homeschooling, but our family makes the most of Skype, texting, and care packages. Someone always offers airport transportation, help when sickness occurs, or a home-cooked meal. The family at Geneva pulls together whether in a crises or as a norm of sharing life together. [I recommend] when visiting Geneva, make the effort to interact with professors, staff, and other families. The network of fun and loving people here will bless you and your student. Visiting campus begins to feel like home away from home for the entire family.” -- Tony and Annisa Lamberton, Middletown Springs, Vermont
- “Geneva has a safe, healthy Christian atmosphere that we are proud our children are a part of.” – Fred and Wendy Lates, Holmes, NY