Among the many considerations involved in selecting a college, affordability is often placed near the top of the list alongside availability of major, location and academic reputation. For many who consider Geneva College, Christian commitment is also a top priority. But because private schools are often believed to have higher tuition costs than some public institutions, families frequently ask me, “Is a Christ-centered education really worth the investment?”
These families are understandably searching for a college experience that will prepare their young adult for a successful career while minimizing costs and debt. I’m happy to be able to tell them that Geneva is recognized for its excellence in this arena. U.S. News & World Report consistently recognizes us as a Top 10 Best Value School in the North Region because of both our high academic performance and affordable tuition. Also, Washington Monthly ranks us among the nation’s top ten “Best-Bang-for-the-Buck” colleges for providing students the highest chance of graduating with an affordable degree that has marketplace value. In addition, our staff works diligently to help students maximize their financial aid packages. As a matter of fact, over 95% of first-year students receive
Many parents tell me this is ultimately why they invest in a Geneva degree. They trust our deep commitment to transforming the lives of students through academically excellent and affordable Christ-centered education. ”
Geneva College grants and scholarships. And nearly 100% of first-year students receive some kind of aid. But just as a college education supplies much more than career training, earthly wealth isn’t the only important figure to use in calculating the total price. Some families opt for a secular public school because of perceived monetary savings. But is the anticipated savings really worth the true cost?
The college years are a natural time for young people to explore and examine the beliefs handed down by their families as they progress toward a personal Christian faith. Unfortunately, research indicates that students attending public and private secular institutions often abandon their faith. Steve Henderson, President of Christian Counseling for Colleges and Ministries, conducted a study of 16,000 students from 133 institutions and found that more than half of Christian students who attend a secular university no longer professed their faith in Christ four years later.
The good news for Geneva families is that Henderson’s research confirms that students attending Christian institutions become significantly more committed to their faith. Many parents tell me this is ultimately why they invest in a Geneva degree. They trust our deep commitment to transforming the lives of students through academically excellent and affordable Christ-centered education.
By hiring only believers, Geneva provides students with professors and staff who affirm Christian faith and values during this crucial time. All of our academic and campus programs intentionally integrate biblical principles. Geneva students are also exposed to weekly chapel, Bible studies and other worship experiences, as well as rigorous scholarship founded on the inerrant truth of the Bible.
...students spend these critical years being mentored by Christian teachers, building friendships with godly people and living in a community of believers that endorses and strengthens faith in Jesus Christ. ”
Perhaps most importantly, our students spend these critical years being mentored by Christian teachers, building friendships with godly people and living in a community of believers that endorses and strengthens faith in Jesus Christ. As your family faces this important decision, I urge you to seek the Lord’s guidance. You’ve already invested a great deal of time and money raising your child according to your beliefs. When making the decision to invest in higher education, some families opt for the lower sticker price of a public college—but remember that more than half of those students walk away from the Christian faith. For families that choose Geneva, that cost is not worth any amount of savings.
Dave Layton
Associate Vice President for Enrollment