"During my college years, I had the privilege of being Dorie Nevin's student assistant, as well as playing on all the teams she coached. Since college, we maintained a close friendship through the last 50+ years. She was the most significant human influence in my life. My goal throughout my professional life has been to serve God and others in the manner that she modeled so very well. I will miss her mightily, but am so grateful to be part of the "legacy" she left."
- Delyte Morris
"When I came to Geneva from far away Kansas, Miss Nevin took me under her wing. She and I spent long hours working on May Day productions, 1954-57. She was a wonderful Christ-like servant."
- Georgia (Wilson) McFarland
"Miss Nevin is a person that will always be in my memory as an understanding and talented person. How well I remember her countless hours of work on the May Day programs and in our P.E. classes. We all loved her. I was fortunate to have a note from her just a few weeks ago."
- Elizabeth Davison Holscher
"My memories of Miss Nevin center on the outstanding May Day pageants she produced every year. They were fun and challenging as they were produced in the chapel. She had a way of bringing us all together and enthused about what we were doing."
- Tom Park
"Miss Nevin was one of those people that I will never forget. As a coach, teacher and example of a life well lived. Fortunately I just received Christmas greetings from her this year. Farewell, Miss Nevin. You will always be in our hearts."
- Ruth Davison Bloor
"Ms. Nevin probably had the most female influence in shaping my life for selfless service to my Lord Jesus during my college years. How thankful I am that she patterned her life after Jesus (Philippians 2) and I could then follow her example. Thank you Lord, for giving us Ms. Nevin."
- Virginia (Ginny Wilson) List
"I remember the gym days in Johnson gym (in the mid 50's) and we wore our yellow gym dresses and so did Ms. Nevin. She always tried to teach us something and make it fun. Wonderful person."
- Carolyn Benson Raney
"I'll always remember Miss Nevin's warmth and encouragement in coaching the Rifle Team."
- Dick Lynch '62
"If you asked me to describe the ideal teacher/coach, I would describe Dorie Nevin. This world is a poorer place without her, but Jesus is enjoying her presence."
- Ann Paton
"I was blessed with the privilege of meeting Miss Nevin this past Spring (2010) when she was honored on campus. It had been some time since her prior visit to College Hill, so she explored the campus with relentless energy and enthusiasm. Her excitement was uncontainable and her smile was large and wide. While looking through Old Main and Johnston Gym, she shared wonderful memories of her time spent at Geneva College just as though they had taken place weeks prior. After just a few hours with Miss Nevin, it was quite evident how and why she made such a lasting impression to so many people during her time at Geneva. I am thankful, like so many other Genevans, to have been blessed to know Miss Nevin."
- Ben Becze '00 - former Geneva College Director of Alumni Relations
"Miss Nevin has been to all on campus a living example of unselfish devotion to that which makes for the better life. She has earned herself a place of high esteem and respect."
- The 1950 Genevan