Why Minor in Student Ministry?
There are a variety of reasons why students minor in Student Ministry. One reason is that the Student Ministry minor prepares graduates to serve as layleaders in youth ministry in the local church. For example, a student who majors in Business perhaps senses that his or her calling is in the business field--but he or she wants to serve as an effective layleader in youth ministry in the local church. The minor in Student Ministry might be a good fit.
Or, perhaps a student senses a call to Missions and is a Christian Ministry-Missions major --yet at the same time recognizes that on the mission field he or she will need to be equipped to work with young people. The minor in Student Ministry might be a good fit.
Overview of Requirements for the Minor in Student Ministry
18 hours not including the 9 Bible hours required in the Core (BIB 112, 113, and 300)
3 hours of Bible Interpretation:
BIB 200 "How to Read the Bible" (3 hours)
3 hours of Bible Content courses
3 hours of Student Ministry Theory courses
6 hours of Student Ministry Methods courses:
MIN 240 "Introduction to Student Ministry" (3)
MIN 241 "Methods of Student Ministry" (3)
3 hours of Student Ministry Experiental courses, excluding MIN 430 "Senior Seminar" selected from:
MIN 492 "Student Ministry Practicum"
MIN 493 "Student Ministry Internship"