As the weather gets warmer and the squirrels on campus begin to frolic more freely on Geneva’s campus, this can mean only one thing - the spring semester is coming to a close. As the semester winds down, the work on final projects and exams ramps up. For many students, the end of the semester is when their most rigorous and intense work and studying arrives. At first this can seem daunting, but there are ways to cope with the end of the year stress and come out on top ready for summer break.
When thinking about your approach to a strong finish to the semester, consider these tips:
God Loves You
Although the tasks we face may seem bigger and more difficult than the rest, we don’t need to worry; God has our back! God loves us and has great plans for us. If we believe in His will and give our best to our studies, we can be sure He is working all things out for good. Especially in stressful times, it is important to remember that God loves you. He knows you and what you are made of, of course, because He made you. With faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. You are going to make it through. Geneva does an excellent job of reminding students how much God truly loves us and helps us to do our best.
Plan Ahead
You’ve probably heard the saying, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” This goes double when there are many assignments or large projects due near the end of the semester. Start your plan by asking some questions. Which projects do you need to complete first and last? How much time will it take and when are they due? Planning a head will help you stay on top of your work and cut down on stress. It is always good to know what is going on with your work, especially with so many other things going on at the end of the semester. The Student Success Center offers resources that you can utilize to learn how to schedule and plan your work efficiently.
Don’t Give Up!
“Don’t give up” seems like a bit of an overused statement, but it really is the only way to success. With the notable exception God's grace, good things rarely come for free, end of the semester grades included. The most important part of finishing the semester strong is to work hard and stay motivated. Giving up or procrastinating not only leads to less work getting done but also much more stress.
Don’t Burn Out
Although putting the pedal to the metal at the end of the semester is important, it is also important not to work too much. Certainly there is a lot of work to be done, but that doesn’t mean you have to refrain from anything but work. If all of your hours are filled with class and work at the end of the semester, it is likely that you will burn out. This will kill your motivation and desire to finish strong. So, even though doing all of your work is a top priority, make time to meet friends at the Brig for a snack or to chat. You may even want to walk around Geneva’s beautiful campus or work out in the Fitness Center to blow off some steam. Continuing with prayer time and devotions is crucial to maintaining your eternal perspective. This balance makes your work time even more productive.
Although the end of the semester may seem difficult and stressful, the tight-knit community at Geneva makes it easy to keep working hard. There is always someone willing to work with you to help you get your work done with excellence. Ultimately, finishing strong after working your hardest is truly a satisfying feeling.
If interested in being a part of the supportive academic community of Geneva College, contact Admissions:, 800-847-8255.
-Jake Yarnell '19
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
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