Winter is a season full of fun activities for you and your friends and/or family to do. Some fun activities that can create many memories are sledding, ice skating, looking at Christmas lights, building igloos or snowmen, skiing, riding a snowmobile, or simply sitting by the fire sipping hot chocolate. These are all things unique to the season and are fun ways to bring some new experiences to your winter break.
The Fall semester has the potential to distract us from taking care of ourselves. Winter break is an extremely important time to rest and refresh. Taking care of yourself is vital to success in school and finding overall enjoyment in life. Self-care is not just about face masks and laying cucumbers over your eyes. Self-care should be about the deep restoration of your soul. Some self-care activities include reading a book (that is not a textbook!), listening to your favorite podcast, watching your favorite movie, going on a walk, hiking, or doing some physical activity, journaling your thoughts and feelings, spending time with friends, playing board or card games, diving into your Bible, focusing on your breathing, spending time in prayer, participating in your hobbies, and sleeping a healthy number of hours! Rest can come in many forms and is different for each person, but everyone needs rest.
Winter break is a perfect time for you to take the time to update your resume for any potential jobs or internships for the Spring. Job searching can be a daunting task. Having a resume, references, a cover letter, and researching businesses you want to be a part of takes a lot of time and effort. If you feel like being productive, getting a head start on this process can be a great use of your time while on break.
Trying something new is fun and is a way to make your winter break exciting. Trying new things in the midst of classes, homework, and a busy schedule can seem impossible. Do you have a list of places you want to go, shows you want to watch, or a new restaurant you want to try? Now is a great time to give it a try!
Your family is going to be very excited to have you home for a couple of weeks, so making the most out of your time with them is important and worth doing. Everyone’s home life is different, so whether it is parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, or friends you will get to see over break, be sure to slow down, be present, and truly cherish the time you have with people you do not get to see when you are at school.
-Ariel Reece '23
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
Dec 12, 2022Geneva offers many resources to support students as they navigate their transition to college. Whether you are discerning your career path, noticing mental health concerns, trying to make friends, or struggling with schoolwork, Geneva offers resources to mitigate the challenges that students may face.
As new freshman arrive on campus for the fall semester, they experience a few days of orientation, which Geneva calls Welcome Week. This week is filled with fun activities, valuable seminars, and relationship-building opportunities. Learn more about what you can expect at this year's welcome week!
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