Every student goes through those moments that are a bit challenging. Here are twenty hacks to make life a little easier while at college. Here it goes!
- Use a Highlighter! Use a highlighter to color code your notebooks. Use one color per class for a quick, easy, notable retrieve. If you can combine that with the same color pen for taking notes, you are going to be thankful later.
- Take a Picture! No one has time to sit and write down what they need for the all-too-often trip to Walmart, and half the time you leave the list behind. Take a quick picture of your mini fridge and cabinets to know exactly what you already have.
- Empty Toilet Paper Rolls. Do not be the person with the messy desk who bangs around in the morning searching for the last pen you own. Keep your desk organized by using empty toilet paper rolls as containers for pencils, pens, and even to organize electrical cords.
- Coins Matter! This is more just a life tip than a college one. Have a change jar that you throw random change into throughout the school year. By the end of the year, you will have collected more than you think. This is perfect for the last night out of the year or for some needed gas money to get home.
- Mug Meals! Start using the microwave mug recipe meals. They are actually really good, and let’s face it; sometimes, the dining hall is just too far of a walk.
- Too Hot. Place a damp towel over on open window to cool down a stuffy dorm room. Better yet, place a fan in the window and the towel over the fan for the ultimate makeshift AC unit.
- Soda Pop Tabs. Having enough closet space can become an issue for some. Use soda pop tabs to hook together hangars to fit more garments into a small closet space.
- Don’t Miss Your 8 a.m.! If you are one of those sound sleepers or it’s your first year without your mom coming into wake you up, place your phone in a glass to amplify the alarm in the morning. Never miss an 8 a.m. again.
- Keep it Fresh. The dorm rooms can get pretty stuffy fast and, especially for the guys, pretty smelly. Tape clean dryer sheets to your fan to keep your room smelling fresh and clean.
- Nervous About a Presentation? Get one of your classmates or friends to ask a question for which you already know the answer. You are now guaranteed one right answer during the Q&A time and it may build up the confidence you need to handle anything that comes your way.
- Glass of Water. When reheating that day-old pizza, place a glass of water in the microwave to keep the crust from getting too hard.
- Remember Your Schedule. For the first week of classes, remember your schedule by setting it as your lock screen on your phone.
- Don’t be Distracted. Download an app like the SelfControl app that allows you to block any distracting websites of your choosing (Facebook, Instagram, snapchat), for a certain amount of time. You will not be able to access them until the time expires. This is definitely helpful for getting that Humanities paper knocked out.
- Fast Reading. If you have a reading assignment that is online, change the font to Times New Roman. Statistics show that it is the easiest and fastest type face to read.
- Multi-purpose Coffee Pot. A coffee pot has more uses then just making the morning cup of Joe. It can be used for cooking pasta, warming up dip, and even cooking ramen noodles. However, be warned. If used for those things, make sure it is ready for coffee the next morning or your roommate will not be too pleased.
- Pots or Irons. A stove-heated pot can be used to iron out a shirt for that presentation. Professors expect their students to dress professionally for all presentations. Do not let the group down and show up in wrinkles.
- Strainer. Don’t have a strainer for the pasta you just cooked up in the coffee pot? No worries, grab your friend’s tennis racket, and strain away. (May want to clean it first).
- Stop Overheating. When your laptop starts to overheat, place an egg carton under it and save yourself a trip to the genius bar.
- Flip Flops. You will need shower flip flops. Even if housekeeping does a great job of cleaning, other people use the showers so it just makes sense to not bare your toes. Keep the feet in the flop for shower time.
- Apple Cider Vinegar. Vinegar…Yuck! Who would actually drink that stuff? Although the taste of diluted apple cider vinegar is quite unappetizing, the health benefits are worth your time. When consumed or applied, this miracle liquid has been known to aid in diabetes, heart health, weight loss, sinus congestion, sore throats, digestion, skin irritations, warts, acne, and even energy levels! In addition, apple cider vinegar possesses antimicrobial properties making it a fantastic natural cleanser and a deodorizer for those nauseating soccer cleats.
Now, with these hacks under your belt, you are prepared for the challenging moments college will bring. You’re ready… so, get set… and hack away!
To discover how you can get set on your journey at Geneva College, contact the Admissions Office at: 724-847-6500 or admissions@geneva.edu
-Hannah ‘16
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
Sep 7, 2016