Many students at Geneva College live in the surrounding communities, and so they decide to commute. However, some students could commute but decide to live on campus. Why?
For some, it is easier to live on campus. If you have an early-morning class, you’re able to sleep in later or be less rushed if you don’t have to drive to campus. It is easier to run back to your dorm if you leave a book or materials in your room. You can take a nap in between classes rather than study in the library. Many students find it easier to live on campus.
Living and Study Spaces
Living on campus can also be more conducive to studying than living at home. If you have family members, especially siblings, they can be distracting while you’re trying to study for an exam. There are many places on campus where students can study in a less distracting environment. Dorms also have areas that are more clearly your own space. When living with your family, it can be harder to find those areas that are yours, unless you have your own bedroom. Students can study in the library until midnight, sometimes with classmates, and not have to worry about driving home. They can also very easily stop by professors’ offices if they are struggling with a particular class and need some advice from the professor.
Support Systems
There are also RAs, resident assistants, on campus who are easily accessible if you’re struggling with anything and want some help. Each resident student is assigned to a particular RA, so they all can have someone they can turn to if they need support. RAs are all trained to deal with various physical and emotional problems that students might have.
Campus Events
It’s also much easier to go to all the events on campus if you are living right next to them. You can easily pop by an event going on, stick around for a few minutes, and then wander back to your room if you wish. You are also more informed of what the events are and when they are since there are flyers along all the dorm stairways.
A huge benefit of living on campus is the community that we have here at Geneva College. Many deep connections are made through living in the same small area for extended periods of time. There are many ways that it is easier to become rooted to the college and to the community if you live on campus. You can pop into your neighbor’s room to chat about homework, you can eat breakfast with your friend downstairs before heading to class, and you can stay up late talking about your lives. While not impossible in other ways, it is different to build a deep community when you can make connections when brushing your teeth or walking down the hall.
Ultimately, there are plenty of reasons why students might want to commute, but there are also many reasons why students would choose to live on campus, even if their family lives nearby. Geneva works to provide many opportunities for both resident students and commuter students, so that all students can feel like they have the full college experience, but there are certainly ways that living on campus is different than commuting.
Anna Eshelman '24
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
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