So you’ve made it this far! Fantastic! Here is a quick list to help you get settled in:
1. Unpack!
The key to settling into a campus is to come to realization that it could feel like home. So don’t put off putting away your clothes. Unpack as soon as you can. Put everything away, and make sure it is neat. You may always have a messy room, but see if you can make it a week without random stuff getting thrown on the floor. Your willingness to put everything in order will leave a good impression on your roommate and may even encourage the same behavior from him or her! Unpacking right away will also provide you a place to retreat after a long day. Order and familiarity will be helpful as you transition over the next few weeks.
2. Introduce yourself to your RA
One of the best things you can do in the first few weeks of school is to develop a good relationship with your resident assistant. He or she has the power to create the best kind of community on your hall, and will be the point person if you have problems in the dorm or with a roommate. Your RA can cultivate an environment of openness and fun on your floor, so get to know him/her and also get his or her contact information.
3. Call Your Parents
Some parents accompany their kids to college move-in day, but if they didn’t then it is a good idea to shoot them a call in the first day or so to let them know you are alive. This does not mean you should call them every evening. But that first phone call may help ease the transition and reassure your parents that you are doing well handling yourself in the new environment.
4. Help someone else move in
Want to develop a close community on your floor? Why not start right away by introducing yourself and helping someone else carry his or her stuff into the dorm. On move-in day there are a lot of opportunities to help bunk beds, move furniture and carry boxes. This affords lots of instances to get to know the people you will live with and will show them you are open to these new relationships.
5. Make sure you have your books for your classes
If you have placed an order at the bookstore, go pick it up and check to see if you have everything you need. Professors will be a little lenient in the first week if a book is backordered or hasn’t come in, so don’t stress too much over them. But it helps to be able to hit the ground running when classes start.
6. Walk your schedule
Figure out which buildings are which, and then start with what you will do Monday morning, and walk from classroom to classroom making sure you understand exactly where your classes will be and roughly how long it will take to get from one to another. Your first week will feel a lot less hectic if you have already walked through what you are doing. Check it over a couple times, and then don’t worry about it.
Now you should be ready to start your first year! Have a lot of fun and make the most of all the opportunities you will have to learn and develop relationships with new friends.
—Caleb McCracken '16
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
Sep 22, 2015Geneva offers many resources to support students as they navigate their transition to college. Whether you are discerning your career path, noticing mental health concerns, trying to make friends, or struggling with schoolwork, Geneva offers resources to mitigate the challenges that students may face.
As new freshman arrive on campus for the fall semester, they experience a few days of orientation, which Geneva calls Welcome Week. This week is filled with fun activities, valuable seminars, and relationship-building opportunities. Learn more about what you can expect at this year's welcome week!
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