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Geneva College Blog


Biblical Wisdom Faith

March 2, 2022

Faithful Doubt: Habakkuk, a Review and Reflection

Faithful Doubt: Habakkuk, written by pastor Travis Scott, explores the short prophetic book of Habakkuk, in a practical and meaningful way through the lens of a doubter. Travis approaches the passage of scripture from an honest and humble perspective, recalling difficulties experienced as a husband, father, and pastor.

Everyday Living Faith

June 9, 2021

Through the Lens of Perspective

Our perspective of ourselves can impact the beauty and value we see there. This view can end up being very different from how God and others see us. When we look at ourselves, we tend to see all the qualities that we dislike. But we need to adjust our perspective and make sure we are using the lens of Christ.

Biblical Wisdom Everyday Living Faith

May 19, 2021

The Rest of Peace

Handing our cares and worries over to God gives us peace which keeps us from falling into doubt, as stated in Philippians. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Biblical Wisdom Faith

April 1, 2021

Justification by Grace Alone through Faith Alone

At Easter, a good question to ask is, "How are people saved?" This should be a question that Christians can easily answer, and indeed most can. However, sometimes Christians are less knowledgeable about the doctrine of justification and its important distinctions than perhaps they should be.

Biblical Wisdom Faith

February 22, 2021

Just Mercy

When someone shows us mercy, they are not giving us the punishment that we deserve.  Jesus models this action for us in multiple ways. The importance of the exhibition of mercy by Christians is displayed throughout the New Testament, and there are many ways for us to show mercy daily.

Biblical Wisdom Everyday Living Faith The College

January 6, 2021

Best of 2020: The Responsibility of Stewardship

In a world that has been impacted by sin, there is always more that can be done to ensure a mindset of good stewardship and redemption. It starts with understanding that God intends to connect man’s physical existence with the environment from which he was brought forth and continues with educating people with sensible information.


October 22, 2020

5 Tips for Stronger Faith while Facing Times of Crisis

"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness." Yet sometimes, when the world seems to be in crisis all around you, resting in the Lord seems nearly impossible. With worldwide pandemics, civil unrest, and violence on every news headline today, how can you turn your focus to the Lord and find your hope in Him? In the year of COVID, you may find that your stress and anxiety levels are higher than normal. How should you respond?


June 26, 2020

Freedom vs. Responsibility: How to Master College's Greatest Juggling Act

Find a semblance of balance by planning when and how you will take advantage of your newfound sense of freedom.

Faith Higher Education The College

May 7, 2020

National Day of Prayer: Thankful for Our Students

On this National Day of Prayer in the United States, we remember our students in their finals week taking exams, finishing papers and closing out the semester at home. We are thankful that God has provided them and entrusted them into our care during their college years. We pray God will uphold us in this task and them in their challenges.


December 16, 2019

What Does It Mean to Go to a Christian College?

College is more than just a place to continue your education after high school. The time you spend at college will change and shape you in ways you could never imagine.

Campus Life Everyday Living Faith

November 13, 2019

How About Some Not-So-Random Acts on World Kindness Day?

What are you planning to contribute to World Kindness Day this year? Learn some easy, free, and powerful ways to celebrate and spread positivity.

Everyday Living Faith

July 12, 2019

Just Look & See What is Good

The world teaches us so much about the workmanship and caring nature of our creator. Whether on vacation or “staycation” these wonders can be seen and enjoyed if we just choose to open our eyes and notice them.


June 12, 2019

Fathers' Day with Your Heavenly Father

Father's Day is this Sunday and provides an opportunity to reflect on the love of our heavenly Father.

Everyday Living Faith

June 1, 2019

Summertime Faith: How to Live for Christ This Summer

There's more to summer than relaxing. Yes get your rest, but take advantage of the opportunity to restore your body and your spirit.


April 17, 2019

Easter Reflections: How to Honor Christ Throughout the Year

As we approach Easter we must reflect on how we can carry the Resurrection past one Sunday a year.

Everyday Living Faith

March 6, 2019

Winter Blues: Spiritual Spring Semester Slump

This is the point of the year where we are looking back longingly at Christmas vacation, feeling that our summer vacations are too far away. Every day is the same old routine; we’re exhausted and bored. But the real question is: what effect does this seasonal slump have on our spiritual lives?


March 4, 2019

On Cancer and Community: The "Almost" Solo Battle of Casting Crowns' Mark Hall

Being in relationship with God is not a solely individualized experience. Part of the call to Christian-living is being in community with other believers. Community is an easy thing to practice in times of joy, but as the lead singer of contemporary Christian band Casting Crowns learned, it can be difficult in times of suffering.


March 1, 2019

How to Maintain Your Faith in a Seemingly Faithless World

Do you ever feel like the lack of faith in the world is draining? You are not alone.

Biblical Wisdom Faith

November 1, 2018

Proverbs 17:4 – An evildoer listens to wicked lips...

The father’s point in this proverb is to urge his son not to listen to wicked words. A wise son will never join evildoers or join liars. Good people must make it clear that they do not welcome wicked words. Sometimes refusing to listen to wicked talk exacts a price.

Biblical Wisdom Faith

October 1, 2018

Proverbs 16:4 – “The LORD has made everything for its purpose..."

Like a good engineer, God made everything for a purpose. Sometimes the purpose is easy to figure out. The purpose of other things take careful study and time to figure out. Some things, God tells us, we will never know because His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9), and some of His plans He keeps sealed until the end of time (Revelation 10:4).


September 19, 2018

My Time with the Oglala Lakota People

Recently, I had an opportunity to go on a short term mission trip to Oglala, South Dakota to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation with a Wesleyan church group and a few Geneva College students. God used us in amazing ways to build lasting relationships and impact in the lives of many beautiful people with the love of Christ.

Biblical Wisdom Faith

September 1, 2018

Proverbs 15:4 – “A gentle tongue is a tree of life...

A family of gentle speech, a church where people speak kindly, an office with such conversation, is like a Garden of Paradise where one would want to live forever. Could there be higher praise than to compare something to a tree of life, which bestows immortality?


July 21, 2018

Training in Our Spiritual Lives

I try to be at the top in other areas of life—but I don’t always approach my spiritual life with the same zeal. Ironically, I train significantly harder for the temporal prize than for the lasting one. I prioritize athletics—a meaningless thing in comparison to Christ—the purpose of living.

Biblical Wisdom Everyday Living Faith

June 21, 2018

Unity in Christ: Loving One Another, Despite Our Differences

Nowadays it is easy to get caught up in our many differences. But in reality, we have so much more in common than we think.


May 3, 2018

Unity in Prayer

When so many in America seem to be choosing sides, we need to remember that the Holy Spirit is unifying, bringing together all men, women and children of faith.

Everyday Living Faith

April 19, 2018

College Student Grief Awareness Day: Tips for Juggling Grief with Student Life

As a college student, you are facing many things including grieving for a wide array of reasons. It is important that you give yourself the permission to take care of yourself.


January 18, 2018

Faith Unashamed: How to Keep Your Convictions Strong In Difficult Circumstances

In the world today, many messages contradict our beliefs. We must take a stance and live unashamed despite what the world shows us.

Faith Everyday Living

December 22, 2017

7 Ways to Spread Joy Over Christmas Break

The holiday is here. After you catch up on sleep and binge watch all the shows you've missed, take an opportunity to serve others this holiday!

Campus Life Faith

November 20, 2017

10 Ways to Give Thanks if You Can't Get Home for Thanksgiving

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:18


November 9, 2017

Appreciating Your Freedoms on World Freedom Day

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” - 2 Corinthians 3:17 (NIV)

Biblical Wisdom Faith

November 1, 2017

Do not boast about tomorrow...

Despite constant future-telling failure, people still want to know the future. The less sober read their daily horoscope or go to fortunetellers. The college educated trust climate scientists and writers of books like Professor Ehrlich’s 1968 book "The Population Bomb." What is the Lord’s advice about such prophets? Ignore them.

Biblical Wisdom Everyday Living Faith

October 17, 2017

Celebrating a Biblically Based Conflict Resolution Day

Inevitably we all will face conflict in our lives. While it has historically is viewed in a negative light, we see it a tool to not only grow our faith but cultivate fruitful relationships as well.


August 30, 2017

Grief: Hope Through Faith

At some point in life, we all will experience grief in some form. While we are going through we may feel alone, but we must know even through grief our Heavenly Father is a keeper and comforter.


July 10, 2017

The Value of Attending Church

As a student, there are many things that can distract you. You must make a conscience decision about your faith and how it is cultivated as you continue to grow throughout your collegiate career.

Campus Life Faith

June 30, 2017

3 Ways to Grow Your Faith at College

With the busyness of college, it can be difficult to always put God first. However, there are ways in which students who want to grow as a follower of Christ can do so, even at college.

Everyday Living Faith

June 23, 2017

June 23: A Special Day to Let Go and Let God

The storms and trials of life can weigh us down. When we do not have our gazed fixed to the one who can sustain us, it often seems unbearable. But today we can take a stand Let It Go and allow God to take control.

College Preparation Faith

June 16, 2017

Studying with Faithful Obedience at another Denomination’s School

The decision of choosing a university can be difficult. What happens when the school of your choice happens to be different from your denominational faith?


June 7, 2017

Something to Look Up to, Look Forward to, and Chase

If someone really is your hero, really is the person you chase after and really is the person you try to emulate, then what happens if this person makes an awful mistake?


April 11, 2017

Embrace New Life at Easter with a New Mindset

Often times we focus on how we cannot fix things in our lives. We can be weighed down by negative thoughts and actions. With Easter approaching we should focus on how we, with the help of the Holy Spirit, can be renewed and freed from the bondage of negativity.

Biblical Wisdom Faith

March 1, 2017

Proverbs 19:1 – Better is the poor man who walks in his integrity...

People err when they think wealth is the measure of a man. The question, “How much is he worth (meaning money)?” is way off the mark. A far better measure of a man is integrity: “better is the poor man who walks in his integrity.”

Campus Life Faith Higher Education

February 20, 2017

5 Christian Education Myths That Need To Go

Christian universities offer an exceptional avenue to personal enlightenment and professional success. Here are a few of the most bothersome and undeserved myths about religious education.

Biblical Wisdom Faith

January 19, 2017

Why Reflection is the Cornerstone of Spiritual Growth

Reflection is more than just skimming a morning devotional while you grab breakfast or scanning your Bible before bed. It requires deliberate and thoughtful pondering of the materials that quicken and inspire you, using a method and frequency that motivates you to be your best self.

Biblical Wisdom Faith

October 30, 2016

The Need for Jesus (Part 4): The Second Adam

Who is Jesus? How does He fulfill the Old Testament? He is the Messiah, the Son of David. He is the Lamb of God, who fulfills Israel’s worship by sacrifice. He is the Seed of Abraham in whom all nations of the earth are blessed. He is the Second Adam from whom the human race takes a new beginning.

Biblical Wisdom Faith

October 17, 2016

The Need for Jesus (Part 2): More than Just Another David

By being the Son of David and God’s chosen Messiah to suffer for His people, rise to life, and ascend to heaven to rule, Jesus fulfills God’s Covenant with David beyond Israel’s wildest dreams. Let’s look more closely now at how Jesus fulfills God’s Covenant made through Moses.

Biblical Wisdom Faith

October 10, 2016

The Need for Jesus (Part 1)

Wouldn’t you love to hear a tape of Jesus’ talk showing how He fulfilled the Old Testament? I would. But we don’t need such a tape. We have the New Testament! The New Testament is Jesus’ interpretation of the Old Testament. In sum, His interpretation is this: “You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me.” (John 5:39)


September 30, 2016

How to Strengthen Your Relationship With God By Choosing the Right Church

Whether you've attended the same church your entire life, bounced from church to church with your parents, or never attended church at all, you're in for a big change when you start college. You've chosen a Christ-centered college, but now, it's time to choose a congregation capable of providing a spiritual home while you're away at college. This decision could very well shape your next four years -- and your long-term relationship with God -- so take your time and don't jump hastily into a new congregation. Keep the following factors in mind as you make this important decision.


July 8, 2016

Can you be rich and be a Christian?

Everyone, it seems, wants to be rich. Can a Christian be rich and still be a real Christian? After all, Jesus was poor. The Apostles were poor. Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell all that he had and give to the poor. Not unreasonably, many people in Cyprus believe that a person cannot be both Christian and rich. So, while nearly all Greeks think of themselves as Christian, they are also afraid of being real Christians, because no one wants to be poor.


April 14, 2016

Why Attend a Christian College?

When you are considering your options for college, one of your primary considerations is likely going to be the cost. When you look at the cost of going to a state school compared to a Christian college, you may wonder if it's really worthwhile to invest in a Christian education. Before you make your decision, consider these benefits of attending a Top 10 Best Value School such as Geneva College.


March 9, 2016

Dealing with Challenging People

Does it sometimes feel like all of the challenging people in the world are getting more and more, well – unpleasant? Perhaps some days feel like one never-ending prayer for patience, tolerance and forgiveness.


February 15, 2016

The Meaning of “Reformed”

Many Geneva College professors, some of its students, and its sponsoring denomination call their theology “Reformed,” a cognate of the word “Reformation.” Some students and professors come to Geneva College quite clear that their theology is “Reformed.” Others have never heard the term before, hear it often, and perhaps wonder what it means. The purpose of today’s column is to explain the word “Reformed” to both groups.


January 26, 2016

The Church That Sponsors Geneva

Geneva College is governed by the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA). The national Synod of the RPCNA elects the Corporation of 12 members that controls the Charter that is the college’s legal basis for existence, writes the College Bylaws, and elects the Trustees. The Trustees elect the President, who with the Trustees operates Geneva College.


October 7, 2015

Pastor Appreciation Month

If the word of God is foundational to your life, then chances are really good that a wonderful pastor nurtures that thirst for scripture and points you to Biblical truths. There's absolutely no greater gift than being taught God's amazing lessons, and there's no better time to thank your pastor than this October, which has been designated as Pastor Appreciation Month.

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