The Classical Singer's Bibliography
of Current University Press Books
With Annotations
Alphabetical listing | By release
date: 5/97 | 4/97
| 3/97 | 2/97
| 1/97 | 12/96
| 10/96 | 9/96
| 4/96 | 3/96
| 2/96 | 1/96
| 12/95 | 11/95
| 8/95 | 7/95
| 4/95 | 2/95
| 12/94
(Call numbers are for the Indiana
University Libraries which include the Cook
Music Library.)
Alphabetical Listing
Adams, Martin. Henry Purcell: The Origins and Development
of His Musical Style. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
[probable call number: MUS ML410.P96A32; 388 pp.; emphasizes his odes,
dramatic music; a chapter on song: "'The Energy of English Words': independent
songs for one or more voices."]
Ahlquist, Karen Ethel. Democracy at the Opera: Music,
Theater, and Culture in New York City, 1815-60. Music in American Life.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1997. [248 pp., $29.95, call number:
Attridge, Derek. Poetic Rhythm: An Introduction. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1995. [274 pp., $54.95, call number: PE1505.A86
but shelved in RSCH; about English versification, rhythm, poetics; helpful
in studying poems in songs.]
Bartok, Bela. Bela Bartok Studies in Ethnomusicology.
Ed. by Benjamin Suchoff. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1997. [Folksong;
295 pp., $40.00, call number: ML3580.B37]
Bauman, Thomas, ed. Opera and the Enlightenment. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1995. [Call number: ML1720.3.O64]
Bell, A. Craig. Brahms: The Vocal Music. Madison,
NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; Cranbury, NJ: distributed by
Associated University Presses, 1996. [262 pp., $38.50, call number: ML410.B8B38]
Beveridge, David R., ed. Rethinking Dvorak: Views from
Five Countries. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. [305 pp., $60.00, call
number: ML410.D99R48; 4 chapters on his song cycle Cypresses, 4 chapters
on his operas.]
Blackmer, Corinne E., ed. En Travesti: Women, Gender Subversion,
Opera. Between men--between women. New York: Columbia University Press,
1995. [Call number: ML2100.E6; 381 pp.]
Bradley, Ian, ed. Complete Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. [1197 pp., $39.95, call number:
ML49.S9A1, libretti of G&S operettas]
Brodbeck, David, ed. Brahms Studies. Vol. 1. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1994. [ML410.B8]
Brown, Bruce Alan. W. A. Mozart, Cosi fan tutte. Cambridge
Opera Handbooks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. [208pp, $49.95]
Burden, Michael, ed. Performing the Music of Henry Purcell.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. [302 pp., $85.00, call number: ML410.P93P4;
2 chapters on Purcell's singers, 7 chapters on his operas.]
Byrd, William. A Byrd Anthology: 14 Anthems and Motets.
Selected by John Milsom. Oxford: Oxford University Press Music Department,
1996. [114 pp., $12.95, call number M2062...]
Citron, Stephen. Wordsmiths: Oscar Hammerstein 2nd and
Alan Jay Lerner. Great Songwriters Series. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1995. [Call number: ML403.C56; 446 pp.]
Clive, H. P. Schubert and His World: A Biographical Dictionary.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. [310 pp., $45.00, call number: ML410.S3C48]
Cooke, Mervyn. Britten: War Requiem. Cambridge Music
Handbooks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. [115 pp., $32.95,
call number ML410.B853C76]
Cooper, Barry A. R. Beethoven's Folksong Settings: Chronology,
Sources, Style. Oxford Monographs on Music. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1994. [270 pp., $49.95, call number: ML410.B42C67]
Cooper, Sarah, ed. Girls! Girls! Girls!: Essays on Women
and Music. New York: New York University Press, 1996. [170pp, $40.00,
call number ML82.G57, includes chapter: 'Where are the mothers in opera?'
by Jennifer Barnes]
Cord, William O. Introduction to Richard Wagner's 'Der
Ring des Nibelungen': A Handbook. 2nd ed., rev. and enl. Athens: Ohio
University Press, 1995. [ML410.W22C67]
Daverio, John. Robert Schumann: Herald of a "New Poetic
Age." New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. [607 pp., $45.00, call
number ML410.S4B38; selected chapters: Musical Love Letters in the Higher
and Smaller Forms; Fierce Battles and Blissful Songs; Musical Dramatist.]
Dunn, Leslie C. Embodied Voices: Representing Female Vocality
in Western Culture. New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. [254 pp.; probable call number:
ML82.E55; interdisciplinary.]
Dunsby, Jonathan. Performing Music: Shared Concerns.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. [104 pp., probable call number:
ML457.D86; the chapter titles are: The writer's position; Musical performance
studies as a 'Discipline'; Anxiety and artistry; Recent thought; The Romantic
legacy; The Sound of music; Design in music.]
Fenner, Theodore. Opera in London: Views of the Press,
1785-1830. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1994. [788
pp., $80.00, call number: ML1731.8.L7F4]
Feldman, Martha. City Culture and the Madrigal at Venice.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995. [ML2633.8.V46F4, 473 pp.]
Forte, Allen. American Popular Ballad of the Golden Era
1924-1950. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995. [366 pp.,
$39.50, call number: ML3477.F67]
Frederiksen, Elke P. and Katherine R. Goodman, eds. Bettina
Brentano-von Arnim: Gender and Politics. Kritik [series]. Detroit,
MI: Wayne State University Press, 1995. [Call number: RSCH PT 1808.A4B38;
Includes a chapter by Ann Willison: "Bettine Brentano-von Arnim: The Unknown
Musician," pp.304-345; music was predominantly lieder; largely unpublished.]
Frogley, Alain, ed. Vaughan Williams Studies. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1996. [241 pp., $49.16, call number ML410.V3V46]
Gallo, F. Alberto. Music in the Castle: Troubadours, Books,
and Orators in Italian Courts of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth
Centuries. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. [147 pp., $45.00;
call number: ML290.2.G313; (marginal, but about vocal music)]
Gibbs, Christopher H., ed. Cambridge Companion to Schubert.
Cambridge Companions to Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
[340 pp., $59.95, call number: ML410.S3C18; one chapter each on: songs,
operas, choral music]
Gilbert, Steven E. Music of Gershwin. Composers of the
Twentieth Century. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995. [255
pp., $32.50; some on songs and musicals.]
Girdham, Jane. English Opera in Late Eighteenth-Century
London: Stephen Storace at Drury Lane. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997.
[272 pp., $85.00, call number: ML1731.8.L72G57]
Grey, Thomas S. Wagner's Musical Prose: Texts and Contexts.
New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1995. [Call number: ML410.W19G83; 397 pp.]
Hall, Patricia. A View of Berg's Lulu Through the Autograph
Sources. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. [184 pp.,
$42.00, call number: ML410.B47H35]
Hamm, Charles. Irving Berlin: Songs from the Melting Pot:
The Formative Years, 1907-1914. New York: Oxford University Press,
1997. [292 pp., $35.00, call number ML410.B499H36]
Heine, Heinrich. Songs of Love and Grief: a Bilingual
Anthology Translated in the Verse Forms of the Originals. Trans. by
Walter W. Arndt. European Poetry Classics. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University
Press, 1995. [227 pp., $49.95, call number: PT2316.A4A76, to be shelved
in RSCH.]
Hodgart, Matthew John Caldwell. Joyce's Grand Operoar:
Opera in Finnegans Wake. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1997.
[341 pp., $49.95, call number: ML80.J75H6]
Holman, Peter. Henry Purcell. Oxford Studies of Composers.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. [250 pp.; probable call number:
Howard, Patricia. Gluck: An Eighteenth-Century Portrait
in Letters and Documents. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. [Call
number ML410.G5H668, 271 pp., $55.00]
Hudson, Richard. Stolen Time: The History of Tempo Rubato.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. [473 pp.; probable call number:
ML437.H83; general interest; great title.]
Huot, Sylvia. Allegorical Play in the Old French Motet:
The Sacred and the Profane in Thirteenth-Century Polyphony. Figurae
[Series]. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997. [236 pp., $39.50,
call number: ML2627.2.H86]
Hyland, William G. The Song is Ended: Songwriters and
American Music, 1900-1950. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. [336
pp., probable call number: ML3477.H95]
Jablonski, Edward. Harold Arlen: Rhythm, Rainbows, and
Blues. Boston, MA: Northeastern University Press, 1996. [popular songs;
426 pp., $29.95, call number: ML410.A76J33]
Jefferson, Alan. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf. Boston, MA:
Northeastern University Press, 1996 [285 pp., call number: ML420.S4J44,
Keates, Jonathan. Purcell: A Biography. Boston: Northeastern
University Press, 1996. [304 pp., $28.70, call number: ML410.P93K4]
Kendrick, Robert L. Celestial Sirens: Nuns and their Music
in Early Modern Milan. Oxford Monographs on Music. Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1996. [Vocal polyphony; 556 pp., $95.00, call number: ML290.8.M4K46]
Kennedy, Michael. A Catalogue of the Works of Ralph Vaughan
Williams. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. [322 pp.,
$45.00, call number: ML134.V3K4]
Kesting, Jürgen. Luciano Pavarotti: The Myth of the
Tenor. Trans. by Susan H. Ray Boston: Northeastern University Press,
1996. [246 pp., $24.95, call number: ML420.P35K5; trans. of Luciano Pavarotti:
Ein essay über den Mythos der Tenorstimme.]
Kmetz, John, ed. Music in the German Renaissance: Sources,
Styles, and Contexts. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. [289
pp.; probable call number: ML275.2.M88; includes a couple of chapters on
Renaissance song, as well as polyphony and the motet.]
Kramer, Lawrence. Classical Music and Postmodern Knowledge.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995. [ML3845.K813, 297 pp.;
includes a chapter on Haydn's Creation and another on Mendelssohn's lieder
on poetry by Goethe]
Kravitt, Edward F. The Lied: Mirror of Late Romanticism.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1996. [323 pp., call number: ML2829.K7,
LaRue, C. Steven. Handel and His Singers: The Creation
of the Royal Academy Operas, 1720-1728. Oxford Monographs on Music.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. [ML410.H13L23, 213 pp.]
Leonardi, Susan J., and Rebecca A. Pope. The Diva's Mouth:
Body, Voice, Prima Donna Politics. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University
Press, 1996. [293 pp., $50.00, call number: ML400.L46; chapters include:
Sirens Avenged: Divas in a Different Key; Diva Truths, Diva Lies, Diva
Lives; Divas, Death, and Detectives; Divas Do the Movies; Diamanda Galas:
Callas with an Attitude; and more.]
Lornell, Kip. Happy in the Service of the Lord: African-American
Sacred Vocal Harmony Quartets in Memphis. 2nd ed. Knoxville: University
of Tennessee Press, 1995. [ML3187.L67, 250 pp.]
Mason, Laura. Singing the French Revolution: Popular Culture
and Politics, 1787-1799. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1996.
[268 pp. $39.95, call number: ML3621.R48M37]
McKay, Elizabeth Norman. Franz Schubert: A Biography.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. [362 pp., call number: ML410.S3M34, $35.00]
Melamed, Daniel R. J. S. Bach and the German Motet.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. [Call number: ML410.B13M33;
229 pp.]
Minturn, Neil. Music of Sergei Prokofiev. Composers
of the Twentieth Century. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997. [241
pp., $30.00, call number: ML410.P865M56; chapter 8 deals with his vocal
music (30 pp.)]
Mordden, Ethan. Make Believe: The Broadway Musical in
the 1920s. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. [257 pp., $30.00,
call number: ML1711.M75]
Morgan, Christopher. Don Carlos and Company: The True
Stories Behind Eight Well-Loved Operas. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1996. [264 pp., $19.95 paperback, call number: ML1700.M75, includes Verdi's
Boccanegra, Il Trovatore, Rigoletto, Don Carlos, Un Ballo in Maschera,
and La Traviata; Donizetti's Lucia; Puccini's La Bohéme.]
Musgrave, Michael. Brahms: A German Requiem. Cambridge
Music Handbooks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. [97 pp.,
$34.95, call number: ML410.B8M86]
Neuls-Bates, Carol. Women in Music: an Anthology of Source
Readings From the Middle Ages to the Present. Rev. ed. Boston, MA:
Northeastern University Press, 1996. [400 pp., $40.00]
Newbould, Brian. Schubert: The Music and the Man.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997. [465 pp., $39.95, call
number: ML410.S3N48]
Parker, Roger, ed. Oxford Illustrated History of Opera.
Oxford Illustrated Histories. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. [541
pp., $39.95, call number: ML1700.O95]
Pesce, Delores, ed. Hearing the Motet: Essays on the Motet
of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. New York: Oxford University Press,
1997. [380 pp., $70.00, call number: ML3275.H4]
Petkov, Steven, ed. Frank Sinatra Reader. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1995. [Call number ML420.S565F74, 297 pp., $27.50]
Porter, Cecelia Hopkins. Rhine as Musical Metaphor: Cultural
Identity in German Romantic Music. Boston: Northeastern University
Press, 1996. [322 pp., $55.00, call number: ML3838.P67; discussion and
lists of Rheinlieder]
Price, Curtis Alexander. Italian Opera in Late Eighteenth-Century
London, vol. 1, The King's Theatre, Haymarket, 1778-1791. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1995. [first of 2 volumes, ML1731.8.L72P76]
Price, Curtis Alexander, ed. Purcell Studies. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1995. [Call number: ML410.P93P87; 305 pp.;
two chapters of particular interest: "Continuity and tempo in Purcell's
vocal works" and "Poetic metre, musical metre and the dance in Purcell's
Pullen, Robert. Montserrat Caballe : Casta Diva. Boston:
Northeastern University Press, 1995. [ML420.C17P85]
Robinson, Paul. Ludwig van Beethoven: Fidelio. Cambridge
Opera Handbook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. [191 pp.,
$54.95, call number: ML410.B4R46]
Rosen, Charles. Romantic Generation. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1995. [ML196.R67 for Reserve; 723pp; has chapters
on Mountains & song cycles & Schubert; Chopin; Liszt; Berlioz;
Mendelssohn's religious music; romantic opera; Schumann, Beethoven, Clara
Schumann, ETA Hoffmann.]
Rosselli, John. The Life of Bellini. Musical Lives.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. [184 pp., $39.95, call number:
Schebera, Jürgen. Kurt Weill: An Illustrated Life.
Trans. by Caroline Murphy. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995.
[Call number ML410.W395S3513, 381 pp., $35.00]
Schmidt, Carl B. Music of Francis Poulenc (1899-1963):
A Catalogue. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. [608 pp., $105.00;
call number: ML134.P87S 1995]
Sherman, Bernard D. Inside Early Music: Conversations
with Performers. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. [414 pp.,
$35.00, call number: ML457.S52; primarily on performance practice; chapter
2 is entitled: "You Can't Sing a Footnote."]
Shreffler, Anne Chatoney. Webern and the Lyric Impulse:
Songs and Fragments on Poems of Georg Trakl. Studies in Musical Genesis
and Structure. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. [256 pp.; probable
call number: MT145.W38S5; for the brave and ambitious.]
Smith, Richard Langham, ed. Debussy Studies. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1997. [235 pp., $59.95, call number: ML410.D28D39;
chapter 2 is entitled: "Waiting for Golaud: The Concept of Time in Pelléas
et Mélisande;" and chapter 8 is entitled: "Semantic and Structural
Issues in Debussy's Mallarmé songs."]
Smith, Ruth. Handel's Oratorios and Eighteenth-Century
Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. [Call number:
Spicer, Paul, selector. English Pastoral Partsongs.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. [118 pp., Call number: M1579.E53,
No solo songs, but partsongs by Finzi, Bainton, Delius, Farrar, Gibbs,
Holst, Howells, Ireland, Moeran, Murrill, Vaughn Williams, Walker, and
Stein, Deborah Jane. Poetry into Song: Performance and
Analysis of Lieder. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. [Call
number MT110.S74, 413 pp., $35.00; Foreword by Elly Ameling.]
Straus, Joseph Nathan. The Music of Ruth Crawford Seeger.
Music in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.,
1995. [260 pp., call number: ML410.S4446 S77; good notes and bibliography,
description of style; section on her music in the context of the history
of women in music, list of works, analyses of two songs from the Sandburg
Stone, Desmond. Alec Wilder in Spite of Himself: A Life
of the Composer. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. [244 pp.,
$30.00, call number ML410.W6975S76, American Popular Song.]
Sutcliffe, Tom. Believing in Opera. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1996. [464 pp., $24.95, call number ML1700.S9485]
Tambling, Jeremy. Opera and the Culture of Fascism.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. [274 pp., $55.00, call number: ML1720.T36;
concerns Wagner, Verdi (Otello, Falstaff), Puccini (Tosca, Butterfly, Turandot),
Strauss (Salome, Elektra), Schreker, Brecht.]
Tanner, Michael. Wagner. Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1996. [236 pp., $19.95, call number: ML410.W13T36]
Tick, Judith. American Women Composers Before 1870.
Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 1995. [238 pp., $59.00, call
number: ML390 .T52 1995]
Tosi, Pier Francesco. Introduction to the Art of Singing
by Johann Friedrich Agricola. Ed. by Julianne C. Baird. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1995. [Call number: MT892.T6713]
Walls, Peter. Music in the English Courtly Masque, 1604-1640.
Oxford Monographs on Music. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. [372 pp., $95.00,
call number: ML52.W35M87]
Warrack, John Hamilton. Concise Oxford Dictionary of Opera.
3rd Ed. Oxford Paperback Reference. New York: Oxford University Press,
1996. [571 pp., $15.95, call number ML102.O6W35]
Williams, William H. A. 'Twas Only an Irishman's Dream:
The Image of Ireland and the Irish in American Popular Song Lyrics, 1800-1920.
Music in American Life. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1996. [311
pp., $42.50, call number: ML3554.W77]
Wilson, Ruth Mack. Anglican Chant and Chanting in England,
Scotland, and America 1660 to 1820. Oxford Studies in British Church
Music. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. [332 pp., $85.00, call number: ML3166.W55]
Youens, Susan. Schubert, Müller, and Die schöne
Müllerin. Cambridge University Press, 1997. [245 pp., $59.95,
call number ML410.S3Y72, chapters: Behind the scenes: the genesis of Wilhelm
Müller's cycle; Variations on a poetic theme: hunters, millers, and
miller maids; Before and after Schubert: at the mill with other composers;
"Lilies that fester": sex and death in Müller's and Schubert's cycles.]
Youens, Susan. Schubert's Poets and the Making of Lieder.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. [384 pp., call number: ML410.S3Y73,
Alphabetical listing
| By release date: 5/97 | 4/97
| 3/97 | 2/97
| 1/97 | 12/96
| 10/96 | 9/96
| 4/96 | 3/96
| 2/96 | 1/96
| 12/95 | 11/95
| 8/95 | 7/95
| 4/95 | 2/95
| 12/94
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