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Clara Schumann Photo Album

Pictures of Clara Schumann

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Clara in 1832, lithograph by Eduard Fechner, found in Litzmann, Berthold. Clara Schumann: An Artist's Life, Based on Material Found in Diaries and Letters. Translated and abridged from the 4th edition by Grace E. Hadow. 2 vols. New York: Vienna House, 1972, picture opposite title page. Updated image kindness of Martin Schlu.
Clara in 1836 at Schlo� Maxen, pen-and-ink drawing by Elwine von Leyser, found in Schiedermair, Ludwig Ferdinand. Clara Schumann: Frauenliebe u. Leben: aus Tagebuchern u. Briefen: nach d. Biographie von Berthold Litzmann. Munchen; Wien: Langen-Muller, 1978; picture number 3.  Updated image kindness of Martin Schlu.
Young Clara, source unknown.
Robert, in 1839, lithograph by Kriehuber, found in Schiedermair, Ludwig Ferdinand. Clara Schumann: Frauenliebe u. Leben: aus Tagebuchern u. Briefen: nach d. Biographie von Berthold Litzmann. Munchen; Wien: Langen-Muller, 1978; picture number 2.
Clara as a Bride, 1840, kindness of Martin Schlu.
Clara and Robert, "A Relief of the Married Couple," by Ernst Rietschel, found in H�cker, Karla. Das Leben von Clara Schumann, geb. Wieck. Mit e. Geleitw. von Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. Berlin: Klopp, 1988, c1975, page 71.
Clara, as pictured on a DeutschMark bill, used on Fontana CD cover, found on Complete songs. Performed by Gabriele Fontana, soprano; Konstanze Eickhorst, piano. Georgsmarienhutte: Classic Produktion Osnabruck cpo 999 127-2, p1994. Sound recording. 1 CD; Edition recorded: S�mtliche Lieder f�r Singstimme und Klavier / ed. Joachim Draheim und Brigitte Hoft. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1990-1992.  [Time of issue of this DeutschMark and denomination unknown; image is identical, but colors are changed from current 100 DM shown below.]
Clara, as pictured on the 100 DeutschMark bill, kindness of Martin Schlu.
Clara and Marie in 1844, daguerreotype, found in Ostwald, Peter. Schumann: The Inner Voices of a Musical Genius. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1985, page 189.
"Clara and Robert at the Piano," anonymous lithograph, found in Schiedermair, Ludwig Ferdinand. Clara Schumann: Frauenliebe u. Leben: aus Tagebuchern u. Briefen: nach d. Biographie von Berthold Litzmann. Munchen; Wien: Langen-Muller, 1978; picture number 1.
Johannes Brahms at age 20, when the Schumanns first met him, sketch by Laurens, found in H�cker, Karla. Das Leben von Clara Schumann, geb. Wieck. Mit e. Geleitw. von Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. Berlin: Klopp, 1988, c1975, page 91.
Clara during Robert's illness, found in H�cker, Karla. Das Leben von Clara Schumann, geb. Wieck. Mit e. Geleitw. von Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. Berlin: Klopp, 1988, c1975, (photo p. 13) opposite page 112.
Ludwig, Felix, Ferdinand, Eugenie; Marie seated, Elise behind; probably around 1855, found in H�cker, Karla. Das Leben von Clara Schumann, geb. Wieck. Mit e. Geleitw. von Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. Berlin: Klopp, 1988, c1975, (photo p. 11) opposite page 96.
Clara, carte-de-visite taken by G. & A. Overbeck of D�sseldorf. Written on the reverse side of the photo: "Photo: c. 1858 Subject age: c. 39 (Robert d. 2 yrs earlier)." Image on loan from Robert Commagere, President of Genesis Records of Los Angeles, who owns two family photo albums of Eugenie Schumann.
Clara in 1859, charcoal drawing by Edward Bendemann, found in Schiedermair, Ludwig Ferdinand. Clara Schumann: Frauenliebe u. Leben: aus Tagebuchern u. Briefen: nach d. Biographie von Berthold Litzmann. Munchen; Wien: Langen-Muller, 1978; picture number 5.
Felix, Elise, Julie, Marie, and Eugenie, at about 1860, found in H�cker, Karla. Das Leben von Clara Schumann, geb. Wieck. Mit e. Geleitw. von Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. Berlin: Klopp, 1988, c1975, (photo p. 15) opposite page 128.
Clara around 1870, painting by Franz von Lenbach, found in Schiedermair, Ludwig Ferdinand. Clara Schumann: Frauenliebe u. Leben: aus Tagebuchern u. Briefen: nach d. Biographie von Berthold Litzmann. Munchen; Wien: Langen-Muller, 1978; picture number 8.
Clara in advanced years, found in H�cker, Karla. Das Leben von Clara Schumann, geb. Wieck. Mit e. Geleitw. von Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. Berlin: Klopp, 1988, c1975, (photo p. 20) opposite page 161.

Schumann GravestoneSchumann Grave, mossySchumann Grave Monument, kindness of Martin Schlu.
Schumann Grave Inscription, kindness of Martin Schlu. "Robert Schumann, June 8, 1810-July 29, 1856; Clara Schumann, geb. (born as) Wieck, September 13, 1819-May 20, 1896"
Autograph of Clara's Warum willst du and're fragen, found in H�cker, Karla. Das Leben von Clara Schumann, geb. Wieck. Mit e. Geleitw. von Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. Berlin: Klopp, 1988, c1975, page 59. Clara's signature, source unknown.
 David Kenneth SmithDavid Kenneth Smith

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