Select Bibliography of Clara Schumann Primary Materials
With Annotations
Boetticher, Wolfgang, ed. Briefe und Gedichte aus dem Album Robert und
Clara Schumanns. Leipzig: Deutscher Verlag fur Musik, 1979. [416 p.; MUSIC
Kross, Siegfried, ed. Briefe und Notizen Robert und Clara Schumanns.
Veroffentlichungen aus den Bestanden der Universitatsbibliothek Bonn; 5.
Bonner Beitrage zur Bibliotheks und Bucherkunde; Bd. 27. Bonn: Bouvier,
1978. [81 p.; MUSIC LIBRARY ML410.S4 A43]
Litzmann, Berthold, ed. Clara Schumann: An Artist's Life, based on material
found in diaries and letters. 2 vols. Translated and abridged from
the 4th ed. by Grace E. Hadow, with a preface by W. H. Hadow. London :
Macmillan ; Leipzig : Breitkopf & Hartel, 1913. [MUSIC ML417.S3 L78
1913; reprinted, New York: Da Capo Press, 1979.]
Litzmann, Berthold, ed. Clara Schumann: Ein Künstlerleben nach
Tagebüchern und Briefen. 3 vols. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel,
1902-8. [Abridged edition published in English as Litzmann, Berthold, Clara
Schumann: An Artist's Life.]
Litzmann, Berthold, ed. Clara Schumann, Johannes Brahms: Brief aus den
Jahren 1853-1896. Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1990. [2 vols., 1287 p.; Reprint
of the edition Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1927; MUSIC LIBRARY ML417.S3
Litzmann, Berthold, ed. Letters of Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms,
1853-1896. New York, Longmans, Green, 1927. [2 vols. MUSIC LIBRARY
ML417 .S3]
Neuls-Bates, Carol, ed. Women in Music: An Anthology of Source Readings
from the Middle Ages to the Present. Rev. Ed. Boston, MA: Northeastern
University Press, 1996. [UGL and MUSIC: ML82.W65 1982; Rev Ed.: MUSIC ML82.W65
1996; great source of essays and letters by/to/about some 40 women who
were composers, performers, teachers, or wives of musicians; Clara sections:
pp. 91-108, 153-155.]
Neunzig, Hans A. and Peter Schamoni, eds. Frühlings Sinfonie: Clara
Wieck und Robert Schumann: die Geschichte einer Leidenschaft in Dokumenten
und zahlreichen Fotos aus dem Film Frühlingssinfonie. Munchen:
W. Heyne, c1983. [151 p.]
Ortheil, Hanns-Josef, ed. Robert und Clara Schumann: Briefe einer Liebe.
Eingeleitet von Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau; hrsg.Konigstein/Ts.: Athenaum,
1982. [365 p.; MUSIC LIBRARY ML410.S4 A44]
Robert und Clara Schumann: Dokumente zum Düsseldorfer Musikleben:
Ausstellung, 17. September-31. Oktober 1976, Heinrich-Heine-Inst., Düsseldorf.
Düsseldorf: Heinrich-Heine-Inst., 1976. [61 p.; Exhibitions. MUSIC
Rückert, Friedrich. Liebesfrühling. Leipzig: Verlag von
Walther Fiedler, n.d. [Date probably between 1866 and 1897; RSCH: PT2459.L5;
though not contemporary, fun to think of Robert and Clara browsing this
collection for great poems to set.]
Schiedermair, Ludwig F. (Ludwig Ferdinand). Clara Schumann: Frauenliebe
und Leben: aus Tagebuchern und Briefen: nach d. Biographie von Berthold
Litzmann. Munchen; Wien: Langen-Muller, 1978. [MUSIC ML417.S3 S28;
229 p., Based on Clara Schumann by Berthold Litzmann.]
Schumann, Clara. Letters of Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms, 1853-1896.
2 vols. New York: Longmans, Green, 1927. [MUSIC: ML417.S3; for a detailed
look into this extremely close and mysterious relationship.]
Schumann, Clara. Marriage Diaries of Robert and Clara Schumann: From
their Wedding Day through the Russia Trip. Boston: Northeastern University
Press, 1993. [MUSIC LIBRARY ML410.S4 A444; incredible book; hard to put
down; most intimate details and thoughts noted; precious words written
to each other; diary to be exchanged every week; best way to get to feel
as though you actually know them; many details about daily life; other
friends, musicians.]
Weissweiler, Eva, ed. Briefwechsel: kritische Gesamtausgabe: Clara und
Robert Schumann. Basel: Stroemfeld/Roter Stern, c1984- [Bd. 1. 1832-1838.
-- Bd. 2. 1839. MUSIC LIBRARY ML417.S3 A39]
Weissweiler, Eva, ed. The complete correspondence
of Clara and Robert Schumann. Translated by Hildegard
Fritsch and Ronald L. Crawford. Critical ed. Vol. 1. New York: P. Lang,
1994. [MUSIC ML417.S4 A4; abstract for volume
2; to buy]
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