A 2008 graduate of Seneca Valley High School, Scott knew by his senior year that God was calling him to the field of ministry, but upon arriving at Geneva, he was not sure how that was going to turn out. His first thought was, “How am I going to do ministry here? Everyone is already hearing the gospel.”
Scott found the answer through the campus musical worship band, Kairette. After being asked by a fellow Geneva student to participate, Scott gladly accepted and was soon taking charge of small group discussions and incorporating Bible studies.
Then, towards the end of his sophomore year, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies Dr. Jonathan Watt approached him about the idea of the 3&3 Program. After meeting with his advisor, Dr. Byron Curtis, as well as chair of the Bible department and 3&3 Program coordinator Dr. Dean Smith, the thought of completing both degrees in only six years was attractive to Scott. Going into his junior year at Geneva, Scott aimed to finish his core requirements and join the program.
When asked who really helped him realize his educational goals, Scott replied, “Basically the whole Bible department, but particularly Dr. Curtis and Professor of Philosophy Dr. Robert Frazier.” As Scott’s advisor, Dr. Curtis helped him with his personal life as well as his educational plans. “He was a great help, mentor and influence,” says Scott. Dr. Frazier also helped academically: “His class on Augustine was challenging and very rewarding. He cares deeply for his students and it comes through in his teaching.”
Although all the classes Scott has taken will be of aid to him in the future, there were a few mentioned to be especially important. These include Bible 200 with Professor of Biblical Studies Dr. Terry Thomas, Wisdom Literature with Dr. Curtis and Faith and Literature with Professor of Humanities and English Dr. Shirley Kilpatrick. “These classes taught me so much, from how to read the Bible to learning what God’s love is,” says Scott expressing his appreciation.
For now, Scott is learning about all of the different departments that make up a church community as an intern at Orchard Hill Church in Wexford, PA. With the foundation the Lord is providing through his education at Geneva and RPTS, Scott plans to go into pastoral ministry. For a world desperately in need of a relationship with the Living Lord, this is a very important calling.
- Julia Schademan ’13