Computer Science major Ian Isaac is from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where he says “there isn’t much going on. But my Mom works for US Airways, so we get to travel a lot.”
Having traveled to Amsterdam, Paris, his family’s timeshare in Aruba and various other destinations around the world, Ian has developed a strong appreciation for diverse experiences. “The food you eat, the music you hear and the people you meet in different parts of the world open your eyes to God’s creativity and intentional diversity in creation.”
At Geneva, Ian continues to feed his varied interests by taking classes that expand his knowledge and worldview. “One of my favorite classes is Astronomy. It’s so amazing to me that when you study the universe you realize how small we are compared to the expanse and magnitude of the stars.”
And his computer science courses—and professors—are also among his favorites. “Professor Wallace is one of my favorite teachers. She teaches Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis, which I find to be fascinating.”
Ian has extensive experience with web design, which he practices in his free time. He recently designed and currently maintains a website for his dad, who is the district president of a non-profit organization that promotes the well-being of individuals who are at risk of or have been impacted by hearing loss.
But Ian has found a way to successfully balance his rigorous coursework and web design activities with fellowship. “It is very important to me to celebrate down time and to recharge. At Geneva, the relationships that I have built with people I care about allow me to live a peaceful and fulfilling God-centered lifestyle.”
And his independent and energetic personality has also led him to get involved with many sports activities that take place on Geneva’s campus. Ian particularly enjoys playing intramural basketball, ultimate Frisbee and soccer: “I love to be active, and Geneva is really great at involving students and catering to their interests.”
When asked about his dream job, Ian’s immediate response reflects his love for his course in astronomy. “I want to work for the government. I am really interested in cyber security, and I would love to work for NASA someday.”
Until graduation arrives, Ian sees his Geneva experience—both in the classroom and through recreational activities—as the perfect time to explore many of the opportunities that God places on his path and prepare for his life and eventual career. “No matter where I am or what I do after I graduate, I have confidence that I will always be provided for. And that is really what my education boils down to.”
-Celia Harris ‘16