Demetrias Sye has many middle names and broken many bones. He also comes from a family of six. He says his home, located in Potomac, Maryland, is often crazy and chaotic, but he loves it. This continual motion of people in and out of the house is something he greatly misses while at Geneva. This is not to suggest that he is not busy while at school; on top of classes, when he is not breaking bones, Demetrias can be found on the track, attending or planning Upper Room, at an intermural sporting event or in the Beaver Falls community. His life at school, much like at home, is continually filled the beautiful chaos of humanity.
Demetrias values this chaos on many levels, and this love of humanity has helped him decide what field to study at Geneva. He clearly loves people and desires to help them. As a junior studying psychology, his interest in people only furthers the evidence that God has been preparing him for a career helping others. “I really want to help kids, communities, and family’s when I graduate, probably in an inner city environment,” Demetrias said. “Once I graduate from Geneva, I plan to go to grad school for a masters in child or community psychology. From there, I am hoping to work in or around Pittsburgh in the mental health or social system, the main thing I want to do with my life is help people who need God’s love.” Having a lot of family serve in the military has given Demetras a sound belief in the importance of supporting, protecting, and loving those who need it. Social work is his way of improving our world and showing God’s love.
Demertrias is also a part of the Geneva track team. He is a jumper and hurdler. This team has given him some of his closest friend and favorite memories. The Geneva College Men’s track team has won the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC) championship 3 seasons in a row, and Demetras’ favorite Geneva memory is being a part of the team that won this championship for the first time in 2017, his freshman year.
Besides the track program, for Demetrias, two of the most important aspects of Geneva are the faith integration and class sizes. Demetrias said that psychology from a Christian perspective has many differing elements. While the basic scientific premises are the same, looking at this field from a Christian point of view opens doors to new and exciting discussions on the application of God’s love to the field of psychology. The integration of beliefs in classes is not the only area he sees the presence of God’s love. The students are also incredibly welcoming and fun, and this made a positive impact on his first visit to campus. These are a few reasons for Demetrias’ decision to attend Geneva. Another contributing factor was the class size and individual attention professors give to students. He felt and saw the intentionality behind learning and relationship building, which has only become truer in his time at school.
Demetrius (1) Aspen (2) Midori (3) Andre (4) Christian Sye’s crazy life has only intensified while at Geneva, but this has been a blessing in almost every way. He is learning about a profession that he is deeply passionate about, playing a sport that gives him great joy and friendship, and deepening his relationship with God through it all. Demetrias has found Geneva, like Potomac, Maryland, to be a chaotic, loving and warm home.