Geneva College students are required to abstain from the consumption, possession, sale or transport of alcoholic beverages while under the jurisdiction of the College (on campus, at College-sponsored events, or on a College-sponsored trip). Those who are under the age of 21 are required to refrain from consumption of alcoholic beverages at all times in accordance with state law. The college will call local law enforcement and allow them to take action with any underage student that is found with a measurable blood alcohol level. Lack of prohibition of alcohol consumption by students over age 21 should not be construed as encouragement to consume alcohol.
Students are also expected to refrain from the possession, distribution, use, and sale of illegal drugs and the inappropriate use, sale or distribution of prescription drugs at all times.
Any student found in violation of the above-noted policies will be subject to the student conduct process. The College also maintains the right to involve local law enforcement when appropriate.
Alcohol Policy
When supervisory personnel reasonably suspect any student of consuming or possessing any alcoholic beverage, that student may be required to take a Breathalyzer or an alternative method test which estimates blood alcohol concentration to demonstrate whether or not there is alcohol in the student’s system. The use of the Breathalyzer is designed to offer the student an opportunity to demonstrate his/her innocence. Only personnel who have been trained in the use of the testing device and procedures will conduct the test. If a student registers any percentage of blood alcohol content, he/she will be subject to disciplinary action. If the test indicates 0.08 or higher alcohol concentration, the College may involve local police. Refusal to take the test may be considered an admission of guilt and may result in disciplinary action.
Since there are some alcohol-based medications sold over the counter that could give a measurable blood alcohol concentration, the student should understand that unless a physician has prescribed the medication in question, the College reserves the right to reject medication as the proposed cause of a positive test reading. Non-alcoholic beer should be avoided, as it contains a percentage of alcohol and will register as blood alcohol on the Breathalyzer device.
In some situations, the Breathalyzer may not be administered due to circumstances. This does not preclude the college from taking action.
When a student is found responsible for violating the alcohol policy, the following sanctions will be recommended:
Illegal Drug Policy
When supervisory personnel reasonably suspect any student of possessing or using an illegal drug, that student may be asked to submit to the use of a drug detection device and/or police or medical assessment. The use of the drug test is designed to offer the student an opportunity to demonstrate his/her innocence. Refusal to take the test will most likely be considered an admission of guilt. Should drug use be confirmed by any of the above means, the student will be responsible for payment of all incurred costs as well as possible disciplinary fines. In some situations, the use of a drug detection device may not be administered due to circumstances. This does not preclude the college from taking judicial action.
When a student is found responsible for violating the illegal drug policy, the following sanctions could include but are not limited to any or all of the following: