In the case of snow or ice (or some other emergency situation) the Provost will consult with the Dean of Student Development, the Director of Physical Plant, with the President, and/or with other appropriate persons before making any decisions about the status of the campus. We typically will remain open unless the campus cannot be cleared or the main roads are impassible. Please note that closures or delays will be rare and are not tied to the local school districts’ announced delays or closures. Given our increased ability for remote courses and work, we may announce that campus is closed but that classes and work will continue remotely.
Please carefully review the following information regarding weather related closings and postponements. Every attempt will be made to make and communicate decisions no later than 6:30 a.m. regarding day classes and 4:30 p.m. regarding evening classes. If there is no announcement, you should assume that there is no postponement, cancellation or shift to remote work.
Notifications will be made in the following ways:
The announcement may include notice of:
The campus will not operate on a compressed class schedule for days with delayed starts. For example, if the start of class is delayed until 10 a.m. on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, then the 8 a.m. and 9:05 a.m. classes will not meet, and the regular schedule will begin at 10:10 a.m. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, delays are made until 9:30 or 11 a.m.
The following policy, published in the College Catalog, also applies
Adverse Weather
From time to time it is necessary to close the college and to cancel classes due to inclement weather. On other occasions, there may be adverse weather conditions, but they are not sufficient to justify cancellation of classes. In such cases, commuting students who honestly believe that travel to campus may be hazardous may choose not to travel to campus. These absences will be considered as “excused,” provided that the student contact the professor on the day of the absence.
The faculty member, at his/her discretion, may arrange a make-up date with the student if a class is canceled due to inclement weather. If the student has a valid conflict with the established time, it will be considered an excused absence. (See College Catalog for a list of acceptable excused absences. In this situation, a work scheduling conflict would also be considered an excused absence.)
Please be assured that the campus always strives to make informed decisions that balance student, faculty, and staff safety.