Procedure for Requesting Accommodations:
1. Self-Disclose
Students must self-disclose to the Student Success Center in a timely and reasonable manner. The amount of time considered appropriate depends on the nature of accommodations being sought. Certain accommodations may require significant time to arrange and provide.
2. Submit Documentation
Submit to the SSC current documentation – ideally within the last three years. Documentation should include certain elements:
Acceptable documentation would include current medical reports or a recent IEP or 504 plan in combination with a Comprehensive Evaluation Report. The documentation you provide may require further support and/or additional evaluations for determination of eligibility. Any costs incurred for additional evaluations are the responsibility of the student.
Contact the Director of Student Success with any questions.
Required documentation information for disabilities listed below:
The documentation will be maintained in the student's confidential file in the SSC and will be reviewed as the basis for determining reasonable accommodations.
3. Schedule an Intake Interview
Students must schedule an intake interview with the director to discuss the functional impact of his/her disability in the college environment. This should take place at the beginning of the semester.
The student′s self-report regarding how the disability has impacted his/her learning and other major life activities, as well as the effectiveness of past accommodations provides a valuable source of information. Appropriate and reasonable accommodations are determined on a case- by-case basis. Consequently, accommodation recommendations may vary from individual to individual with the ‘same′ disability diagnosis and from environment to environment for the same individual.
In preparation for this intake interview, students are encouraged to consider how the disability has impacted them in the past. Students should also consider how it is likely to impact them in the typical activities they expect to encounter at Geneva College.
4. Approve the Student Accommodation Notification
Once accommodations are determined, the Director will inform instructors of the reasonable accommodations via a letter from the SSC. At the start of each succeeding semester, the student must give written consent for the director to send letters to the student′s new professors. Appropriate paperwork is available in the SSC.
5. Student to Communicate with Professors
In the postsecondary setting, students bear the responsibility to self-disclose with professors. Using the student copy of the accommodation letter, the student introduces him/herself to each professor. It is suggested that this conversation take place within the first two weeks of the semester to allow the professor to make adequate accommodations to the student.
6. Report Any Problems
Students are expected to maintain contact with the coordinator of disability services regarding the implementation and effectiveness of accommodations. If accommodation needs are not being met in the classroom, the student should request a meeting with the faculty member without delay. If further assistance is necessary, the student should contact the SSC immediately to address the concern. See the grievance procedures as stated in the Geneva College Handbook.