Upcoming Alumni Events
If you are interested in hosting an event in your area, we would love to help you. Contact Alumni@Geneva.edu for more details.
Jul 24, 2018
Alumni & Friends in Denver, CO |
Jul 25, 2018
Colorado Springs, CO Alumni & Friends Breakfast |
Jul 27, 2018
Jul 28, 2018
Jul 30, 2018
Alumni and Friends Lunch in San Francisco |
Aug 7, 2018
Alumni & Friends Dinner in Harrisburg Area |
Aug 11, 2018
Alumni & Friends Lunch in Columbus |
Oct 5-6, 2018
Homecoming & Family Weekend |
Traveling Tornado Towel
We would love to see where your travels take you! Take a Geneva Tornado Towel with you as you go and show your Geneva pride by sending us photos of you holding the towel and we will share them on the website. If you don’t have a towel and would like one, let us know by emailing Alumni@Geneva.edu
Homecoming and Family Weekend
Friday, October 5 – Saturday, October 6, 2018
We are excited to have many Alumni, Families and Friends back on Campus!
- Class Reunions will be celebrated for 2008-2018 (0-10 year reunion), 2003, 1988, 1983, 1978, 1973, 1968 and 1958.
- Affinity reunions will be hosted by
- Marching Band
- Grace Notes
- Residence Life – RA’s/RD’s
- African American Alumni
- Departmental Reunions will be hosted by
- Higher Ed Program
- Honors Program
- PoliSci /History/Sociology
- Engineering
- Chemistry
- Biology
For more information, details and a complete schedule visit the website.
Homecoming & Family Weekend registration opens Monday, July 16 at http://www.geneva.edu/homecoming
Register by August 1 to receive a 10% discount
Life G Award - Madge (Woods) Adams, ’44
The “Life G,” Geneva′s highest alumni honor, is presented each year to a graduate for service above self, who embodies the principles for which Geneva College stands, and whose efforts on behalf of the College, the community, and the nation have been exemplary. The award is also a means of honoring alumni for exemplifying Geneva′s standards, mission, and commitment to servant-leadership.
This year we were pleased to present the award to Madge (Woods) Adams, ’44 on Saturday, May 7 as part of the commencement exercises for the Geneva College graduating class of 2018...Read more
Career Development Opportunities
Greetings Alumni! My name is Cara Fulton, and I am the new director of Career Development. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and inform you of opportunities to engage with our office. As I get acclimated to Geneva College I am eager to establish new employer partnerships and expand the internship and job options for students ...Read More
2018-19 Alumni Council Members
Thank you to so many of you who voted for the new members of the alumni council. Kirsten Bestor ’04, Carolyn (Metcalfe) Mollenkopf ’62, Ted Kay ’71 and Shaka Sydnor ’10, (’12 MAHE) will join the Alumni Council this year and serve through May 2021. We are grateful for their willingness to serve the Alumni Association.
Those who will continue to serve are:
Backensto, Bruce, ’62 - Trustee Ex-Officio
Rak, Bob, ’69
Barry Davis, ’75
Mark Cowley, ’87
Noah Kairis, ’19 Student Alumni Assoc. Ex-Officio
Kaitlin Rhodes, ’07
Adam Shaffer, ’11, President
Rachel (Cyper) Samreny, ’06
Anne (Copeland) Shaw, ’95, Secretary
Geneva College House Flags
Proudly fly your Geneva colors with a vibrant flag. Or give it as a gift. This polyester flags can be used outside and measures approximately 28X40 with a sleeve. For more information and to order visit Alumni House Flag on our website.
Latest Class Notes
Dr. Thayer Miller '51 (1951) and his wife Lindaflor observed the 40th anniversary of their marriage in Manila where she was a nationally known beauty pageant winner, model and movie actress in the 1970s.
Rev. Rebecca (Mahr '77) Cartus (1977) is the owner of Motor Mouth Mahr Speaking Services www.momomahrspeaks.com and is a Certified Conflict Mediator, 2018 The Association for Conflict Resolution. She and husband John have two daughters and reside in Sewickley, PA.
Rev. Doug '85 and Mrs. Amy (Cyphers '85) Comin (1985) have two sons, Benjamin and Samuel, and reside in Latrobe, PA where Doug is a Financial Advisor at Prudential.
Derek Koziol '93 (1993) is the Director, Life Sciences for Information Services Group. He and his wife have two children and reside in Bedford, NH.
Amy (Irons '04) Deibler (2004) works as a pathologists' assistant in Maryland. She married her husband, a mortician, in 2007. She is working on a book titled "Death, it's a Living: A Guide to Postmortem Professions." Her hair has stayed blonde for the past 5 years.
Darren '15 and Kimberly (Hadden '15) Tryon (2015) were married May 21, 2016. Kimberly is a Field Staff Missionary for Campus Crusade for Christ. The Tryon's reside in Evans City, PA.