
Dan WilliamsMy name is Dan Williams, and I am honored to have been selected as the new Director of Alumni Relations at Geneva College. As a 2007 alumnus of Geneva and with a shared family love of the college, my family is hoping to start a legacy to continue over the generations. We′ve already decided that my nephew and two nieces will no doubt be future alumni.

While I have only been in this position for a few weeks, I am gratified to see the number of alumni who are actively engaged in the life of their Alma Mater. From the Geneva Women to the Alumni Council to alumni in various parts of the country actively doing great things on behalf of Geneva, I am excited to be a part of such a vibrant and vivacious community, where our common thread is our love of Geneva College.

What I look forward to most is getting to know you and hearing your personal story and why you love Geneva College. Please stop by and see me at the Alumni Office if you′re on campus or email me at so I can hear your memories. My goal is to serve you by keeping you informed with what is happening on Geneva′s campus and by inviting you to be active members of the Geneva College community.

I look forward to serving your in these coming years..



Dan Williams′07
Director of Alumni Relations

P.S. Over the next couple of months the Office of Alumni Relations will be reaching out to alumni with the following events:


Celebration weekend (May 10-11)celebrates the 50th & 60th reunion classes. In addition to campus activities and a special dinner, these alumni will have an opportunity to be part of the commencement processional when 270 graduating seniors join the family as Geneva College Alumni. Registration of the event is available at:

  • Alumni gatherings are being planned all over the country. If you are interested in hosting an event, please email for more information.
  • Distinguished Service Award (DSA) nominations are now being accepted and will be presented at Homecoming.


HOMECOMING 2013 - Saturday, October 19-20, 2013

April 2013

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Alumni Events
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Contact us at

Geneva College
3200 College Ave.
Beaver Falls, PA 15010