(BEAVER FALLS, Pa.) Ken Myers, host and producer of the Mars Hill Audio Journal and keynote speaker at the Inauguration Ceremony of Geneva College’s President Dr. Calvin L. Troup, will participate in "A Conversation with Ken Myers" on Friday, September 23 at 3 p.m. in the West Reading Room of McCartney Library.
Ken Myers Subject of "A Conversation with Ken Myers" in Geneva's McCartney Library on Friday, September 23. |
Myers, a former National Public Radio (NPR) producer and a magazine editor, has pursued a unique form of Christian, spoken-word journalism for over 20 years. The Mars Hill Audio Journal is a bi-monthly audio magazine that examines issues in contemporary culture in light of Christian understanding. In wide-ranging discussions and interviews with scholars and intellectuals on his program, Myers challenges Christians to move from thoughtless consumption of popular culture to thoughtful engagement, to encounter and preserve more demanding and rewarding cultural treasures, and to fight against the popular culture’s “dumbing down” effect.
“The best reason to be critical about cultural phenomena is because they’re bad as culture – not because they’re bad as evangelism, or they’re bad morally – but because they don’t do justice to the kind of thing a cultural artifact can do,” says Myers. “Culture isn’t everything, but it’s a valuable thing.”
Myers was formerly the editor of This World: A Journal of Religion and Public Life, a quarterly journal whose editor-in-chief was Richard John Neuhaus. Prior to his tenure at This World, he was executive editor of Eternity, the Evangelical monthly magazine.
"I have been a subscriber to Mars Hill Audio for more than a decade now, and my life has been greatly enriched as a result. May the Journal prosper!"
- Phil Ryken, President, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL
For eight years, he was a producer and editor for National Public Radio, working for much of that time as arts and humanities editor for the two news programs, Morning Edition and All Things Considered.
Mr. Myers serves as a contributing editor for Christianity Today, and his published writings include All God's Children and Blue Suede Shoes: Christians and Popular Culture (Crossway Books: 1989), and (as editor) Aspiring to Freedom: Commentaries on John Paul II's Encyclical "The Social Concerns of the Church" (William B. Eerdmans: 1988).
"Over the years, I have learned so much from Myers's own reflections... Mars Hill Audio is an outstanding form of continuing education in and of itself."
- David Naugle, Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, TX
He has also written for numerous periodicals, including The Wilson Quarterly, TableTalk, Discipleship Journal, World, Crisis, First Things, The Washington Times, and The World & I. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland, where he studied film theory and criticism, and of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is married and has two children, and lives in the rolling countryside of central Virginia north of Charlottesville.
"In the craziness that is our modern way of life, I find Ken Myers's commentary and interviews essential listening. Incisive, varied, rich, and seasoned, they never fail to stimulate and delight. He deserves to be heard by thousands more."
- Os Guinness, The Trinity Forum, Washington, DC