Baseball GTs Go 2-0 in Day One Led by Andy Santana’s Flawless Day - Geneva College
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Baseball GTs Go 2-0 in Day One Led by Andy Santana’s Flawless Day

gt baseball

Fort Pierce, FL – Geneva baseball opened its season with back-to-back wins against Martin Luther College (15-4, 11-10). Geneva, now 2-0, will face Marywood University tomorrow, Tuesday March 10 at noon and 2 p.m.

The Golden Tornadoes started the day off with an offensive explosion lead by Andy Santana (San Pedro de Marcoris, DR/Desert Christian) batting a perfect three for three while running in three.

Jeff Parker (Green Brook, NJ/Timothy Christian) sealed the win, striking out three.

In game two, Santana stepped to the plate with Geneva down by one run and teammates JC Ackerman (Lewis Center, OH/Worthington Christian) and Joe Galante (Emsworth, PA/Avonworth) on base. Santana tripled, going two for two that game, five for five on the day, leading Geneva into a 2-0 overall record to start the season.

During his collegiate debut pitcher Josh Glover (Springfield, VA/West Springfield) received the win.

“We had a beautiful day in Florida today with two wins – a great start,” said Head Coach Alan Sumner.

“Andy was five for five today and was on base ten times. He had a game winning triple to win game two in the bottom of the seventh. Plus, JC Ackerman had seven RBIs in the day’s work.”

Mar 9, 2015

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