Seven student films premiered during Geneva College′s 2012 Film Festival on Saturday, December 1 as the red carpet was rolled out at Metheny Fieldhouse for the fancy-dress, semester-capping event. The genres represented ranged from horror to slice-of-life drama to science fiction.
The night included More Than Words, a romantic comedy about spontaneous human combustion; Disorientation, a film about a college orientation program involving teleportation; Mabel, a horror flick centering on a malevolent doll; Poetic Justice, an action comedy about famous poets fighting Grammar Nazis; The Search for Life, a film featuring a college student looking for extraterrestrial life; Renew, a horror film about a man being hunted by an evil spirit; and Star Wars Abridged, a sci-fi spoof that references Geneva College while reenacting the Star Wars films.
Senior Ben Woodring won the award for best actor for his performance as a shaken, silent man in Renew, and senior Tiffany Battey won best actress for her portrayal of a little girl in Mabel. Poetic Justice received the best script award, and author/director Adam Rowe, a junior, also won an award for his supporting roles in two movies in which he appeared as a villain.
Best cinematography went to Renew, and Star Wars Abridged received both best collaboration and the prestigious People′s Choice awards. Many of the films were collected into a YouTube playlist by the Student Programs Office, which can be found here.
"I′d say this year′s Film Fest was definitely a step up from past years," stated senior Nathan Dinsmore, the actor who played all the stormtroopers in Star Wars Abridged. He cited several students with prior experience as examples. Brothers Alex Grover, a senior, and Ryan Grover, a junior, were heavily involved in Star Wars Abridged, while amateur filmmaker senior Zachary Wisniewski helped with three separate films.
Newcomers brought fresh life to the event, as well. Writer/performer junior Gwen Gamble had never been involved in Film Fest before, and Zachary Sheldon made his directorial debut as a freshman.
View Photos From The Film Fest
Geneva College is a comprehensive Christian college of the arts, sciences and professional studies. Founded in the tradition of the Reformed Christian faith, Geneva prepares students to serve Christ in all areas of society: work, family and the church. Geneva College′s philosophy of education is based on the Foundational Concepts of Christian Higher Education. Geneva is a founding member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU).