September 11, 2012 - Geneva College
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September 11, 2012

Picture of September 11, 2012


Many students know the Geneva College Student Union (GCSU) as the student-run campus organization that promoted Christian stewardship of the environment by eliminating the use of trays in Alexander Dining Hall and the group that launched spectacular fireworks after My Generation Night (MGN). Although those are just two of the most visible actions suggested by student ideas and feedback that have been carried out by the student organization, this year the GCSU is determined to accomplish even more changes desired by the student body. Most of all, they want the students of Geneva to know who they are, what they do and how to reach them.

The GCSU is "a group of students guided by biblical principles and rooted in Christ, who enhance the student experience by being the collective voice of the students to express their cares, concerns and desires about campus and the institution of Geneva College and act upon them." In other words,the GCSU exists to bring policy changes, create physical improvements around campus and raise student concerns. They are, in essence, the liaison between the student body and the administration.

According to the Student Pulse Survey taken last spring, 60.8% of the student body does not know how to express their concerns to the GCSU. This number was eye-opening for the organization's newly-positioned members and has caused them to embark on a campaign with an entirely new approach.

"It is our duty to represent the students on this campus, not just because this is the job description, but because we are also students. We intend to connect with them on a face-to-face and make our presences known," says Executive President Christian Coleman.

Student representatives from the GCSU urge students to talk to them in person, email them at, Tweet them @GC_SU or post on their Facebook Wall. They are committed to hearing ideas about changes to the campus that students would like to see made.

For example, students who enjoy using the volleyball court have often issued complaint about the brush and poison-ivy covered hillside plaguing its adjacent edge. It does not take much to launch the ball into the vines and bushes, sending a poor student trudging into poison-ivy and thorns. The GCSU heard this complaint and set forth an initiative to solve it. On Saturday, September 1, they proceeded with approval and assistance from Physical Plant to chop down the troublesome overgrowth. After a morning of hard work, BFC&T coffee and Oram's Donuts, the hillside was cleared.

The GCSU meets bi-weekly at 9:30 p.m. in the Student Conference Room in Skye Lounge to discuss proposals for campus change. And they are always open to seeing students and hearing their ideas during these meetings.

"I see the GCSU as a wonderful opportunity for students to feel empowered to continually work on making Geneva College a better place to live, learn and work," says Brian Jenson, GCSU Advisor. "I am very excited for the 2012-13 academic year because of the fresh perspectives and new ideas that I've already seen coming from the GCSU members as they strategize and cast the vision for this year."

The current members of the GCSU are:

  • Christian Coleman, Executive President
  • Jeff Clingan, Vice President of Clubs
  • Justin Brothers, Vice President of Finances
  • Pamela Matteo, Vice President of Communication
  • Joe Weiss, Senior Class President
  • Katie Bushaw, Junior Class President
  • Michael Warren, Sophomore ClassPresident
  • Alex Aseltine, Videographer
  • Dan Martin, Graphic Designer
  • Ben Butler, Social Media Manager
  • Scott Stewart, Finance Representative
  • Jonathan King, Club Representative

The GCSU Executive Staff and Student Representatives encourage students to contact them to share their ideas. This group of student leaders is devoted to the ideas and concerns of the entire student body.




Sep 11, 2012

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