April 13, 2012 - Geneva College
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April 13, 2012

Picture of April 13, 2012

Soong Chan RahSoong-Chan Rah, author of The Next Evangelicalism: Freeing the Church from Western Cultural Captivity and Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church, will speak in Metheny Fieldhouse during chapel on April 18 at 10:15 a.m. His topic will be “Embracing the Next Evangelicalism.”

Rah is a Milton B. Engebretson Assistant Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago, IL. He was fomerly the founding Senior Pastor of the Cambridge Community Fellowship Church (CCFC), a multi-ethnic, urban ministry-focused church committed to living out the values of racial reconciliation and social justice in the urban setting. He was previously part of a church planting team in the Washington, DC area and has worked for years with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at MIT in Boston.

He is an active member on the board of Catalyst Leadership Center and Sojourners/Call to Renewal and has been a part of the Boston Ten-Point Coalition, which is an urban ministry working with at-risk youth. Rah is also a founding member of the Boston Fellowship of Asian-American Ministers.

In The Next Evangelicalism, Rah calls the North American church to escape its captivity to Western cultural trappings and to embrace a new evangelicalism that is diverse and multiethnic. While some churches may be ill-equipped to minister to today's cultural context, many multiethnic churches are flourishing, offering much-needed alternatives for the church as a whole. In order for the church to grow and survive, he argues, those in power must recognize and look to other cultures for leadership, church structure and healing.

Geneva College is a comprehensive Christian college of the arts, sciences and professional studies. Founded in the tradition of the Reformed Christian faith, Geneva prepares students to serve Christ in all areas of society: work, family and the church. Geneva College′s philosophy of education is based on the Foundational Concepts of Christian Higher Education. Geneva is a founding member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU).

Apr 13, 2012

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