March 23, 2012 - Geneva College
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March 23, 2012

Picture of March 23, 2012

Hiram, OH - Three days after suffering a disappointing doubleheader loss, the Geneva College softball team rebounded for an impressive doubleheader victory of its own with a pair of wins over Hiram College by the scores of 6-2 and 1-0. Geneva pushed its overall record to 11-9 with the doubleheader sweep.

After spotting Hiram a 2-0 lead, the Golden Tornadoes exploded for six runs in the fifth inning. Christina Fuqua tied the game with a two-run double and then scored to take the lead on an RBI single from Lori Deem. Andrea Hinds came up with a two-run single prior to Dana Schnitzel scoring from third base on a double steal to cap off the big inning. The six run explosion was all Julie DiLonardo needed to pick up her ninth victory of the season. Going the distance, DiLonardo allowed eight hits and struck out a pair in the victory. Ashley Davis′ three hit performance highlighted a nine hit attack in game one.

DiLonardo was even more impressive in the night cap. Picking up her fourth shut-out of the season in allowing seven hits and striking out four for victory number ten on the season and 54 for her career. The only scoring in game came for Geneva in the top of the sixth inning. Fuqua′s RBI single knocked in Martha Adams with the only run of the game. Geneva had just four hits in the night cap.

The Golden Tornadoes will head back to Ohio on Wednesday for a doubleheader against Baldwin-Wallace. Geneva opens conference play next Saturday at home against Waynesburg University.

Geneva College is a comprehensive Christian college of the arts, sciences and professional studies. Founded in the tradition of the Reformed Christian faith, Geneva prepares students to serve Christ in all areas of society: work, family and the church. Geneva College′s philosophy of education is based on the Foundational Concepts of Christian Higher Education.

Mar 23, 2012

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