Drawing a Line in the Sea: The 2010 Gaza Flotilla Incident and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, edited by Geneva College′s Associate Professor of Political Science Dr. Thomas E. Copeland, is a recently published book exploring the May 31, 2010 Gaza flotilla incident. The book provides in-depth, critical analyses of the incident, as well an examination of its implications, while also clarifying common misperceptions surrounding the affair.
"The idea for the book came out of a trip to Israel last summer to study Israeli counterterrorism policy," explained Dr. Copeland. "The flotilla incident happened the day after we arrived, and we were granted significant access to Israeli authorities in the aftermath. The book became important because media coverage of the event was inaccurate and biased, and we wanted to help clarify the truth if we could."
Drawing a Line in the Sea is a compilation of 14 essays written by authors possessing unique access to senior Israeli officials immediately following the Gaza flotilla incident. The book examines the political context preceding the event, as well as key figures involved, and authors draw conclusions about the continuing conflict between democratic states and terrorists and their sponsors.
"The 2010 Gaza flotilla incident reflects the importance for the U.S. and Israel of maintaining security and international law in the face of terrorist attacks by non-state actors," said Dr. Copeland. "If we fail to support the only real democracy in the Middle East in its efforts to defend itself, the West will tangibly harm the credibility of democratic norms and human rights."
In his review of Drawing a Line in the Sea, University of Oklahoma professor of Jewish history Dr. Norman A. Stillman said, "This detailed, thoughtful, and thought-provoking collection should be required reading for … all concerned with the ongoing problems of the Middle East and the challenges posed to democratic societies everywhere in confronting terrorism and providing security for their citizenry."
Dr. Copeland is also the author of Fool Me Twice: Intelligence Failure and Mass Casualty Terrorism, as well as the editor of The Information Revolution and National Security.
Geneva College is a comprehensive Christian college of the arts, sciences and professional studies. Founded in the tradition of the Reformed Christian faith, Geneva prepares students to serve Christ in all areas of society: work, family and the church. Geneva College′s philosophy of education is based on the Foundational Concepts of Christian Higher Education. Geneva is a founding member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU).