March 23, 2011 - Geneva College
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March 23, 2011

Picture of March 23, 2011

Join us for the Civil Rights Bus Tour June 11-19, 2011.

Dr. Todd Allen, chairman of the communications department and Dr. Brad Frey of the sociology department are offering the 10th annual Returning to the Roots of Civil Rights bus tour to the students at Geneva College as a travel course. The trip will take place June 11-19, 2011, and students can earn course credit.

Participants have the opportunity to visit some of the historic sites in which the Civil Rights Movement took place in Albany, GA, Montgomery, AL, Little Rock, AR and more. They also will meet and interact with many of the veterans of this movement, some of whom have visited Geneva′s campus including Mrs. Juanita Abernathy, Ms. Rutha Harris and Dr. Minnijean Brown Trickey.

"This course will provide students with an opportunity to better understand one of the most important social movements of our time that, in actuality, was not that long ago," says Dr. Allen.

The tour is sponsored by The Common Ground Project and PNC Financial Services and is open to the general public. A number of colleges and universities such as Grace College, Messiah College, Duquesne University and Carlow University have participated in past tours.

"The American Civil Rights Movement is one of the most remarkable historical events of the last century. It is marveled at by scholars who see a movement inspired by people of deep faith and a deep commitment to justice," says Dr. Frey. "The movement was birthed by the black Christian church in the south and took its deepest resource from the church. I want students to encounter the incredible faith and courage that people, both black and white, displayed during that time. In 10 years, these people brought about a change that was unimaginable."

Students will be eligible for six credits for Humanities 304, Sociology 263 or Communications 330. The cost of the trip is to be determined. For more information please contact Dr. Todd Allen at or Dr. Brad Frey at

Geneva College is a comprehensive Christian college of the arts, sciences and professional studies. Founded in the tradition of the Reformed Christian faith, Geneva prepares students to serve Christ in all areas of society: work, family and the church. Geneva College′s philosophy of education is based on the Foundational Concepts of Christian Higher Education. Geneva is a founding member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU).

Mar 23, 2011

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