Spring will be here before you know it. One sure sign of spring is that the Geneva College Chemistry Society is once again accepting lawn and garden soil samples for testing. The dates for accepting samples are Tuesday, March 16 through Friday, March 26.
To obtain a sample from your lawn or garden, use a clean trowel to dig up a plug of soil that goes from the surface to about six inches in depth. A more representative sample is obtained if several plugs are taken and mixed together. It is best if soil can be obtained when it is fairly dry (if possible). Spread the soil sample on a newspaper to dry indoors for at least 24 hours, mix thoroughly and break up lumps, and place about one cup into a plastic bag. Label the bag with your name and address. If a plot has a problem area, it may be advisable to obtain a separate sample from this area.
Soil will be tested for pH, potassium content, and phosphorous content. The pH is a measure of the acidity of the soil. Potassium and phosphorus are fertilizer nutrients needed by plants. Results will be mailed out in late April.
Soil samples can be brought to the hallway outside room 212 in the Science & Engineering Building (S&E) at Geneva College. Only the first 100 samples will be accepted for analysis. You can also send your samples through the mail to:
Dr. Kerry McMahon
Geneva College
3200 College Avenue
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
The Geneva Chemistry Society is accepting a donation of two dollars per sample to defray the costs of analysis. Any questions regarding soil testing should be directed to Dr. McMahon at 724-847-6722.
Geneva College is a comprehensive Christian college of the arts, sciences and professional studies. Founded in the tradition of the Reformed Christian faith, Geneva prepares students to serve Christ in all areas of society: work, family and the church. Geneva College′s philosophy of education is based on the Foundational Concepts of Christian Higher Education. Geneva is a founding member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU).
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