Geneva recently received three grants highlighting its excellence in research, academics and education. McCartney Library, the Department of Chemistry and the Returning to the Roots of Civil Rights bus tour were all awarded special funding to help make their educational efforts possible.
McCartney Library was one of 236 libraries in the nation to receive the “Connecting to Collections Bookshelf” grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The grant will provide the library with an extensive “bookshelf” of essential books, online resources and information to aid in the conservation and protection of library resources. The Institute of Museum and Library Services is committed to preserving American heritage through the protection of library and historical resources at small institutions.
The Chemistry Department received a $7,780 research and educational award from the Pittsburgh Conference Memorial National College Grant, sponsored by the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh and the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh. This annual conference on laboratory science uses proceeds to support science education by funding scholarships, internships, public science centers, libraries and museums.
The grant will provide funds for research equipment used in the field of spectroscopy. The equipment analyzes color — measuring the intensities of light absorbed by substances over a range of wavelengths. The equipment will be used in several key classes for chemistry majors, including organic and inorganic chemistry, and a sophomore quantitative analysis class that tests local soil samples. Non-chemistry majors will have the opportunity to use the spectrophotometers in several interdisciplinary courses.
The Returning to the Roots of Civil Rights bus tour received a $25,000 grant from the Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and Arts. Created by Todd Allen, assistant professor of communication, the tour provides an educational first-hand journey into the civil rights movement. The grant will allow Allen to showcase and train other academic professionals to have similar tours at their institutions.
The Returning to the Roots of the Civil Rights bus tour began in 2002 with 13 participants, and has since had over 300 participants from a wide variety of professional, geographic and ethnic backgrounds. The bus tour takes place over eight days in June, and covers over 2,600 miles.
“The grant environment at Geneva is slowly but surely growing,” said Ben Becze, Geneva′s director of academic grants and foundations, “We′re looking forward to receiving larger and more frequent grants as we travel down this path, and are excited about the impact this will have on today′s students and tomorrow′s generation.”
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