Geneva′s Women′s basketball team, along with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), helped save the lives of children in Africa by holding a carwash on Saturday, April 21. "The fundraiser was blessed to have beautiful weather and a great turnout from the Beaver Falls community," according to Ron Galbreath, women′s basketball coach.
Together, the team and FCA raised $700.00 for the Nothing But Nets campaign. Their efforts will allow them to buy 70 nets that will help to prevent children in Africa from catching malaria.
Malaria is a disease that infects nearly 500 million people each year and kills more than one million of those who become infected. Malaria can be prevented through a simple, inexpensive measure: sleeping each night under a net treated with insecticides that kill mosquitoes or stop them from biting.
Nothing But Nets is a global campaign to save lives by preventing malaria, a leading killer of children in Africa. It costs only $10 to provide an insecticide-treated bed net that can prevent this deadly disease. Visit to send a net and save a life.
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