BEAVER FALLS, Pa.- Paul Helm will deliver the Byron I. Bitar Memorial Lecture Monday, Nov. 21, at 8 p.m. in Old Main′s John H. White Chapel. His lecture is titled "John Calvin′s Big Idea."
Helm is a professor of philosophical theology at Regent College. He has written on topics including Augustine, Calvin, belief formulation and revision, providence, divine command theory, and the attributes of God. He taught history and philosophy of religion at Kings College in London, England, before teaching at Regent.
The lecture is funded by the William Kriner family, and named after Byron I. Bitar, a philosophy professor at Geneva who died in 2003. This is the second annual lecture provided since his death.
The lecture is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Bob Frazier at 724-847-6702 or
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