WHAT: Do you see orange? – Acting on AIDS awareness campaign
WHEN: Thursday, March 17, - all day
WHERE: Geneva College, Route 18 (three miles south of PA Turnpike
exit 2)
WHO: 160 Geneva students will each wear an orange t-shirts
displaying the word “orphan” to raise awareness to the
HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa.
WHY: The “Do You See Orange?” t-shirt campaign visually
demonstrates the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Each
shirt represents 100,000 children orphaned by AIDS.
HOW: Student are wearing the orange t-shirts all day. In addition,
there are three orange billboards signs along Route 18, which
call attention to the AIDS pandemic in Africa. Information tables
in Alexander Hall provide students and visitors with statistics and
specific ways to becomeinvolved. Acting on AIDS is a World
Vision program.
On-site media contact is Jeffrey Schindel, who can provide reporters/photographers with additional information. You may also visit www.actingonaids.com.
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