BEAVER FALLS, Pa. - Geneva′s traveling ensemble, New Song, will be touring 14 states this summer.
This years members include; Megan Archer (alto), Jim Cason (tenor), Paul Hemphill (bass), Stephanie Ishler (soprano), Dan Neikirk (bass), Rachel Palomaki (alto), Brendon Petersheim (tenor), and Mandi Stern (soprano).
They plan on traveling to Ontario, New York, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Pennsylvania.
New Song, directed by Louise Copeland for the past 15 years, has been a wonderful opportunity for ministry for Geneva students. A unique feature that sets New Song apart from other groups is their singing of the Psalms, a cappella. They present the very word of God to people at every concert they sing.
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