Living on Mission What would it look like at my church if missions was a lifestyle and not just another ministry program? How we can do missions throughout the whole year in our churches?
Moving Millennials to Missions We have a generation poised and ready to change the world. How can we help them do it for Christ? What are some things we can do to help get our students thinking of missions as a lifestyle and not just the annual missions trip to Mexico?
Coca-Cola Jesus What do Jesus and Coca-Cola have in common? People all over the world would like to know and you can help them find out.
Short-term Missions or Long-term Investment? With the popularity of short-term missions trips, we have to ask the hard questions - How involved should we be? What should our approach be?
A Pastor's Perspective of the Persecuted Church Persecution of Christians around the world is at all-time highs. What can and should we do as the Church in North America?
Church as Embassy We are ambassadors of Jesus Christ, so the Church is therefore an embassy for God′s kingdom. How can our local churches function like this in our communities?
Principles of Reconciliation We live in a world of conflict and ethnic/racial tension. How can we move toward living together as people created equally in God's image?