Ph.D., Historical Musicology, Washington University in St. Louis, 2009
M.A., Historical Musicology, Washington University in St. Louis, 2004
M.M, Vocal Performance, Temple University, 2004
B.M., Vocal Performance, Covenant College, 1999
Courses Taught
Music History I and II
Introduction to Music Literature
World Music
Aural Skills I, II, III and IV
Private Voice
Presented "'Ever nearer the Celestial City': Darwin, Spencer, Bunyan, and English Musical Progress." at the conference "The English Musical Renaissance and the Church." Durham University. November 2019.
"Northern Choralism and Bantock's 'Choral Symphony,'" in Music and the Idea of the North, ed. by Rachel Cowgill, Derek Scott and David Russell, Ashgate Press, forthcoming 2014.
“Granville Bantock′s Redefinition of the Choral Symphony.” AMS Allegheny Chapter (Akron), April 2013; AMS Midwest (Chicago), October 2009
"Ways to Think about Music beyond Performance." East Central College lecture series, 28 October 2011.
"'I need a forklift...': The Pilgrim's Progress as Metaphor for Life and Faith in Popular Music." Festival of Faith and Music (Calvin College), 8 April 2011.
"'Ever nearer the Celestial City': Darwin, Spenser, Bunyan and English Musical Progress." Forum on Music and Christian Scholarship (Wheaton College), 18 March 2011.
"'The Great and Glorious Choruses of the North': The Northern Choirs, Bantock, and his 'Choral Symphony.'" "Music and the Idea of the North Conference (Univ. of Leeds), September 2008.
"Granville Bantock and his Idea of the Choral Symphony." Washington University in St. Louis Music Dept. lecture series, March 2008.
Current Projects
The intersection of Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress and music, including oratorio, opera and popular music
The character of Jesus in 19th- and 20th-century oratorio and opera
The role of the god Pan in music of the 19th and 20th centuries