Frederick "Jay" Neikirk
Disciplines/Field of Instruction
Degrees Received
- Ph.D., 1986, Political Science, University of Illinois (minor: Economics)
- M.A., 1977, Political Science, University of Delaware
- B.A. (with high honors), 1976, Political Science and History, University of Delaware
Courses Taught
- POL 151 Introduction to American Government
- POL 253 Parties, Elections, and Interest Groups
- POL 255 Congress and the Presidency
- POL 352 Great Issues in Politics
- POL 360 Public Administration
- POL 361 American Public Policy
- POL 421 Senior Seminar
- SSC 349 Social Science Statistics
Presentation/Publications (selected)
- Review of Robert DiClerico and Allan Hammock, eds. Points of View, 10th ed., at request of the publisher
- Editor, Readings for Great Issues in Political Science, 3rd ed., 2002 (also 1st ed in 1996 and 2nd ed in 1998)
- “The Electoral College: A Reformed Legacy,” Geneva Magazine, Spring 2001
- Book review of The Search for Christian America, in Religion and Public Education, Winter 1990
- Demonstration on INS2 (a computer-based international relations simulation) at the Benedum Conference on Teaching Policy Studies Skills, Syracuse, NY, June 1984
- “The Gender Gap and Voting Behavior,” presentation at 1983 annual meeting of the Allegheny Valley Sociological Association, Spring 1983
- “Presidential Influence in Congress: The Role of Offices of Congressional Relations,” paper presented at the 1982 annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association
- Also numerous presentations to classes, civic groups, etc., on Parliamentary Procedure; on various topics touching American government, public policy and religion in politics; and on preparing home schooled students for college.
Awards and Distinctions
- Undergraduate commencement speaker, Geneva College, 2008
- Who′s Who Among America′s Teachers, 2004, 2005
- Geneva College Excellence in Teaching Award, 1994
- Outstanding Young Men in America, 1987
- Phi Kappa Phi (Scholarship), 1978
- Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science), 1976
- Chair, Department of History, Political Science, and Sociology
- Chair, Faculty Senate
- Stated Clerk, Ascension Presbytery, PCA
- Member, Standing Judicial Commission, PCA
- Assistant Director, Wilmington Area High School Marching Band
- Member, Wilmington Township Planning Commission