D.Min., 2008, Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry
M.A., 1980, Pennsylvania Sate University
B.A., 1974, Geneva College
Courses Taught
Humanities 103 - Invitation to the Humanities
Humanities 104 - Varying Humanities topics
English 271 - British Literature I
English 272 - British Literature II
Other Literature topics varying each semester, e.g. Pilgrimage in the Literary Tradition
The Pilgrim’s Progress Windows: A Story of Grace in Glass, book published by Fern Cliffe House Publishers, 2011
"Feeling Intolerably Ashamed: Dostoevsky on the Use of Shame in Interrogation," paper presented at the West Region Conference on Christianity and Literature, 2009
The Paradise Lost Windows: A Story in Lead and Light, 2007, book published by Fern Cliffe House Publishers, 2007
Beauty Will Save the World: a seven day meditation on beauty following the thought of St. Augustine, booklet published by The Call, 2006
"Dostoevsky and Young Russia," paper presented at the Southwest Conference on Christianity and Literature, Fall 2005
"Practical Romance," (essay), Pro Christo, 2004
"Three Rival Quests," essay published by Pro Christo, 2004
Current Projects
Edition of Welsh theological poetry
The theology of beauty
The intersection between liturgy and pedagogy
Awards & Distinctions Received
Excellence in Teaching Award, Geneva College, 2000-2001