Amanda C. Prugar, MA, NCC, Certified School Counselor
Disciplines/Field of Instruction
- School Counseling
- Child and Adolescent Counseling
Degrees Received
- PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision (in progress) Walden University, Minneapolis, MN
- MA in Counseling, Geneva College, 2014
- BM in Music Education, Grove City College, 2004
Licenses and Certifications
- Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC)
Courses Taught
- CNS 504: Statistics
- CNS 505: Testing and Appraisal
- CNS 512: Research Design and Program Evaluation
- CNS 514: Human Growth and Development
- CNS 534: Social and Cultural Foundations
- CNS 579: Counseling Skills for Children and Adolescents
- MSC 539: Professional Issues and Ethics in School Counseling
- MSC 568: School Counseling Internship
- PSY 252: Adolescent Development
Selected Presentations/Publications
- Trauma: What’s the Big Idea
American Counseling Association Conference, New Orleans, LA March 2019
- Trauma: What’s the Big Idea, Pennsylvania Counseling Association Conference, Pittsburgh, PA November 2018
- Using Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents; Mediating Issues of Resistance, Ambivalence and Change, Dr. James K. Matta; Amanda C. Prugar; Bennett Minchen; Andrew Brokenshire; Regina Schrecengost
American Counseling Association Conference, Atlanta, GA - April 2018
- Motivational Interviewing and Adolescents: Tailoring an Approach to a Resistant Crowd, Dr. James K. Matta; Amanda C. Prugar; Bennett Minchen; Andrew Brokenshire; Regina Schrecengost Pennsylvania Counseling Association Conference, King of Prussia, PA - November 2017
- Using Integrative Supervision Approach for Clients Identified with Comorbidity, Dr. James K. Matta; Amanda C. Prugar; Kenya Coleman; Mary Kate Matta Pennsylvania Counseling Association Conference, State College, PA - November 2015
- What’s in a Word: A New Frontline Treatment for Adolescents and Young Adults with Comorbidity, Dr. James K. Matta; Amanda C. Prugar; Kristin Brown; Karen Walters American Counseling Association Conference, Orlando, FL - March 2015
- What’s in a Word: A New Frontline Treatment for Adolescents and Young Adults with Comorbidity, Dr. James K. Matta; Amanda C. Prugar; Kristin Brown; Karen Walters Pennsylvania Counseling Association Conference, State College, PA - November 2014
- Lights, Camera, Action! Using Film to Educate Students, Clients, and Counselors about Substance Use, Addiction, and Treatment Dr. James K. Matta; Amanda C. Prugar; Deanna Grubb; Jenean Maratta
Pennsylvania Counseling Association Conference, State College, PA - November 2012
Affiliations, e.g., membership in professional organizations, etc.
- American Counseling Association
- Pennsylvania Counseling Association