C. Scott Shidemantle
Dr. Scott Shidemantle has a focused interest in the area of the New Testament′s Johannine Literature—Gospel of John, Letters of John, and John′s Revelation. He is an ordained Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). He and his wife, Wendy, have two sons, John and Luke.
Disciplines/Field of Instruction
Degrees Received
- Ph.D., 2001, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
- Th.M., 1992, Princeton Theological Seminary
- M.Div., 1991, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
- B.A., 1987, Slippery Rock University
Courses Taught
- BIB 112 - Old Testament Survey
- BIB 151 - Freshman Honors: Issues in Old Testament Studies
- BIB 152 - Freshman Honors: Issues in New Testament Studies
- BIB 300 - Foundations of Christian Thought
- BIB 303 - Isaiah
- BIB 312 - Gospel of Mark
- BIB 312 - Gospel of John
- BIB 314 - Romans
- BIB 314 - Ephesians
- BIB 314 - Pastoral Epistles
- BIB 316 - John's Revelation
- BIB 322 - Calvin′s Institutes
- BIB 341 – Archaeology and Geography of Israel
- Led a seminar titled, “A Crash Course on the Book of Proverbs” at the Northeast Youth Ministry Summit, March, 2024.
- Twenty-five book reviews in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, including a book review on J. Ramsey Michael's Commentary on the Gospel of John
“Language is Important: Problems with the term ‘Gay Christian’” – an essay exploring how identifying as a “gay Christian,” even if one remains celibate, is problematic for one’s Christian discipleship.
- “John 7:37-39: Exploring the Freed-Carson Proposal” – a scholarly paper given at the November 2003 Evangelical Theological Society meeting in Atlanta, GA
- "The Gospel of Philip's portrayal of Jesus and Mary Magdalene: a review of the contribution of Antti Marjanen's The Woman Jesus Loved to the discussion" given at the November 2005 Evangelical Theological Society meeting in Valley Forge, PA
- “A Christian Response to The DaVinci Code” in Geneva Magazine (Spring 2006): 21-24
- Organized and led study trips to Israel every other year, in coordination with BIB 341 “Archaeology and Geography of Israel,” for students, alumni and friends of the college since the summer of 2004.
Current Projects
- Organizing the ninth Geneva College study trip to Israel since 2000, scheduled for December 2023/January 2024.
- Submitted an article titled “Ancient Letter Form and Its Linguistic Features” for publication in the soon to be released Encyclopedia of Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics.
- In addition, I am also currently working on a book review of Caryn A. Reeder’s book The Samaritan Woman’s Story: Reconsidering John 4– to be published in an upcoming edition of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society.
Awards & Distinctions Received
- Distinguished American High School Students, 1983
- Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, 1987
- Full member of the Evangelical Theological Society
- Full member of the Society for Biblical Literature
- Ruling Elder, Chapel Presbyterian Church (PCA)
- I enjoy spending as much of my free time as possible with my lovely wife, Wendy, and our two awesome sons John and Luke.