1. O Sing a New Song to the Lord (Psalm 96:1-10,13/Holden) | |
Psalms of Yearning for God |
2. Alleluia (Zhigulin) | Listen |
3. Create in me, O God, a pure heart (Psalm 51:10/Brahms) | |
4. How long will You forget me? (Psalm 13/Hassler/Bach) | |
5. Return, O Lord (Psalm 6:1-9/Zhigulin) | Listen |
6. Sicut cervus (Psalm 42:1/Palestrina) | |
7. Yih’yu l’ratson (Psalm 19:14/Hoffman) | |
8. Os justi (Psalm 37:30-31/Bruckner) | |
Psalms of Praise for the King of all Nations |
9. Praise God with sound (Psalm 117/Schütz) | |
10. God be merciful unto us (Psalm 67/Ives) | |
11. All ends of earth will turn to Him (Psalm 22:27-31/Haydn/Woodbury) | |
12. Why rage fiercely the nations? (Psalm 2/Mendelssoh) | |
13. All that hath life and breath (Psalm 150:6/Bach) | |
Psalms of the Creator’s Provision and Protection |
14. The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23/Malotte) | |
15. How blessed are all those (Psalm 1/Zhigulin) | Listen |
16. Out of the Depths (Psalm 130/Curtis) | Listen |
17. O Lord, My Heart (Psalm 131/Curtis) | Listen |
18. Choral Fanfare on Psalm 24/Curtis) | Listen |
Psalms of the Creator’s Provision and Protection |
19. The Trees of the Lord (Psalm 104:16-35/Arr. Haney/Smith) | |
20. Lift thine eyes to the mountains (Psalm 121:1-4/Mendelssohn) | |
21. Keep me, O God (Psalm 16:1-2,5-8,11/Copeland) | |
22. The Lord’s my Shepherd (Psalm 23/Irvine) | |
23. O Thank the Lord (Psalm 118:1-9/Tabon/arr. Smith) | |
24. All people dwelling on the earth (Psalm 100/Bourgeois) | |
25. O Sing to the Lord a New Song (Psalm 98/Whitacre) |