Psalm 120A | I cried in trouble to the Lord | |
Psalm 120B | I cried in trouble to the Lord | |
Psalm 121A | I lift my eyes and see the hills | |
Psalm 121B | I lift my eyes and see the hills | |
Psalm 121C | Unto the hills I lift my longing eyes | |
Psalm 121D | I lift my eyes and see the hills | |
Psalm 122A | I was filled with joy and gladness | |
Psalm 122B | Now to the Lord's house let us go | |
Psalm 123A | I lift my eyes to You | Listen |
Psalm 123B | I'm lifting up my eyes to You | |
Psalm 124 | Unless the Lord had been there | Listen |
Psalm 125 | All, like Mount Zion, unmoved shall endure | |
Psalm 126A | The Lord brought Zion's exiles back | |
Psalm 126B | When Zion's captive ones returned | |
Psalm 127A | Unless the Lord build up the house | |
Psalm 127B | Unless the Lord is He who builds the house | |
Psalm 128A | How blessed are all who fear the Lord | |
Psalm 128B | Blessed are all who fear the Lord's name | |
Psalm 129 | Time and again they greatly did oppress me | |
Psalm 130A | Lord, from the depths to You I cried | |
Psalm 130B | Lord, from the depths I cried to You | |
Psalm 131A | My heart is not exalted, Lord | |
Psalm 131B | My heart is not exalted, Lord | |
Psalm 132A | For the sake of David | |
Psalm 132B | For your servant David | |
Psalm 132C | For the Lord has chosen Zion | |
Psalm 133A | Behold how very good it is | |
Psalm 133B | Behold how very good it is | |
Psalm 134A | Come, Bless the Lord | |
Psalm 134B | Bless the Lord, all you His servants |