Eight Bells - Geneva College

Benjamin Kennedy '18
Eight Bells Director

The Eight Bells are the premiere men’s acapella group of Geneva College.

The Eight Bells were founded in 1967 by Geneva College students with a love for barbershop vocal harmony and named after the first piece they ever sang, “Eight Bells.” Over the years, the ensemble has had more than a hundred members join their ranks, as they support the rich musical heritage of Geneva College. Today, the Eight Bells are a subset of The Genevans Choir, the student choir of Geneva College, allowing them to travel across the country and around the world, bringing laughter and joy through their singing.

Membership in the Eight Bells is on an audition basis and is eligible to current members of The Genevans Choir. Members are chosen based on their musical ability, along with performance and teamwork skills.

Contact Eight Bells

Eight Bells 2023
Nicholas Johnston

Nicholas Johnston
Topeka, KS

Joseph Baylor

Baylor Joseph
Music | History
Beaver Falls, PA

Thaddeus Martin

Thaddeus L. Martin
Student Ministry | Music
Orville, OH

Daniel Pierini

Daniel Pierini
Computer Science
Pittsburgh, PA

Ben Schuck

Ben Schuck
Computer Science
Franktown, CO

Emerson Spear

Emerson Spear
Secondary Physics Education
Beaver Falls, PA

Joey Tritt

Joey Tritt
Beaver Falls, PA

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