Is the Chemistry major at Geneva accredited?
Geneva′s Chemistry Department is “approved” by the American Chemical Society (ACS). No organization “accredits” chemistry programs, and the ACS uses the word “approved” to describe their process. Students who take the full ACS-approved curriculum in Chemistry or Biochemistry at Geneva will be certified by the ACS. This provides a widely recognized verification of the quality of your education.
Do students at Geneva have any opportunities to do chemical research?
YES! All of the faculty have research projects which students work on. Some do this during a semester for credit. Some are selected to participate in the Geneva Summer Institute in Chemical Research and are paid a stipend to work with a faculty member for eight weeks in a summer. Topics range widely depending on the student and faculty members interests, and also on the nature of outside projects that are brought to us. See the research link for topics.
Is there room in the curriculum for any electives?
Yes and No. The basic Chemistry major has room for 34 or more credits of electives, which allows some students to complete a double major (in Biology for example) or a second minor. The full ACS approved curriculum in Chemistry or Biochemistry has room for a few elective courses. However, the secondary education in Chemistry track is very full with hardly any room for electives. The same is true for Chemical Engineering, which is very full.
Can I work in the Chemistry Department?
Most likely yes. We hire about 12 students every semester to work as laboratory assistants. This is a good experience to help you review what you have learned as you explain it to others. Usually students are eligible to work as lab assistants during their sophomore year.
Do the Chemistry students do anything outside the classroom or laboratory?
Of course they do! Geneva has loads of opportunities to get involved in extra-curricular activities. In fact, you have to be careful you do not overdo it, because science, math, and engineering courses take a little bit more work than average. One social activity we encourage is to participate in the Geneva Society of Chemists, usually called the “Chem Club.” Chem Club sponsors picnics, special seminars, field trips, and educational outreach to the community. A popular activity in recent years has been “The Big Kablooyee,” a lecture-demonstration by the faculty and students featuring spectacular exothermic reactions. For several years, the Chem Club has been participating in National Chemistry Week at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh, presenting hands-on chemical activities for children. In 2006, the Chem Club was recognized as an honorable mention student affiliate chapter of the American Chemical Society.
How can a Christian work in a field like Chemistry?
Science is the study of the very stuff of creation. It is an awe-inspiring experience to recognize the hand of God in the intricate details of matter. The closer you look at what God has made, the more wonderful we find it to be. Not only this, but science can provide very powerful tools to help people and exercise the mandate to care for the creation. The world needs scientists and engineers who understand their responsibility before their creator and redeemer.
What if I have more questions about Chemistry, Biochemistry, or Chemical Engineering at Geneva?
The Admission′s Office can help direct you to the right person. Or, contact any member of the Chemistry Department directly. Dr. John Stahl is the chair of the department, and will respond to email at or by phone at 724-847-6705.